1. Changed Weather, Map scale, ATN feedback.

    Thanks so much to the ATN Team, who helped me a lot with feedback and improvements for my map. This are the following changes:

    -Removed CTF gamemode, until I find the perfect balance on spawns, weapons, etc.
    -Changed weather effect from Stormy to Clear and removed the rain. Gives the map more life.
    -Scaled down the map a little (Still thinking about scaling it down more). As some areas felt deserted or dead.
    -Increased the height for Nest/Top Nest, so that area will fit better as the power position of the map.
    -Changed Name Locations:
    Arch -> Mid
    Mid -> Junction​
    -Moved Lightrifle to Nest.
    -Moved Supressor to Mid (Mid Platform).
    -Moved Scattershot to Trench.
    -Moved Overshield to Mid Platform (Strongholds).
    -Removed Carbines
    -Changed Grenade Launcher from weapon to Weapon Pad.

    Hope you guys like the changes!
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