Intoduction:<br />Hello fellow ForgeHub users, today I have a map that has been in the works for a while now. Created on the Skyward canvas, this 1v1 competitive map features solid gameplay and offers an abundance of re-playability. This map features very little vertical gameplay which makes strafing and map knowledge extremely important on this competitive map. This is my submission to ForgeHub's 1v1 Contest 2015.<br /><br />This map only plays with slayer and features a Speedboost, Overshield, Sniper and Plasma pistol.<br /><br />Map Download Link Instructions:<br />Throw "Orzium" a friend request and when i'm online you can get the file off my Fileshare. You can't do the campaign leaderboards thing as I haven't played any campaign.<br /><br />Gametype Download Link Instructions:<br />Throw "Orzium" a friend request and when i'm online you can get the file off my Fileshare. You can't do the campaign leaderboards thing as I haven't played any campaign.<br /><br />
<br />Map Overview Shot/ Weapon Respawn Intervals:
<div>Speed Boost: 60 Second Respawn, Spawn at Start: (True)<br />OverShield: 90 Second Respawn, Spawn at Start: (True)<br />Sniper: 60 Second Respawn, Spawn at Start: (True)<br />Plasma Pistol: 60 Second Respawn, Spawn at Start: (True)<br /><br /></div>
<div>* Sorry about the Halo 4 map markers used *</div>