
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. PA1NTS
    Scythe is a small asymmetrical map designed for 2v2 matches. It was built way back in Halo Reach, and since then been revisited. I wanted to give back a classic halo experience by building something very simple to understand, while offering a fairly competitive playspace. My goal was to not use one crate for cover, but to segregate the map to a point where no such cover is needed. The map itself has a 2 tiered, four room setup that gives players something slightly different in each room, while keeping a simplistic arena feel that rewards players for their teamwork and reflexes as they progress through these rooms.
    Top middle is the main control point. It is one of the most powerful control points because of it's height advantage and quick access to sightlines. Just be careful when heading up there initially. Players will pass through there to get the Sniper Rifle.<br /><br />Teamwork is a must. You'll get outshot and outnaded trying to push through the tight chokepoints by yourself. Makes sure you don't get caught in a cycle of dying while your teammate spawns, or vice versa. Wait for him to spawn if he's dying while your heading out to help him.<br /><br />High ground in any room gives you a somewhat better advantage over players on the first floor. As mentioned before, top middle is one of the control points, but sticking to the walkways that surround the lifepits in any room is always a good option.<br /><br />Players like to rush the Sniper Rifle from initial spawn, so a good idea is to hang back a bit and see what the other team is doing. It's pretty easy to grenade the hallway at the right time, and you'll usually be rewarded with that first power weapon.<br /><br />Tactical jumps give you a quick way of getting height advantage in exchange for throwing you out in the open.

Recent Reviews

  1. Dobam Dobam
    2v2 tonight bro
  2. Titmar Titmar
    It may be a bit late to say now, but this is just a great map and I enjoyed the hell out of it in MM.
  3. This map works really well with slayer, although i dont like the map just because I cant go solo in it..... I mean team works really a must on this map but other than my opinion its a spectacular map! I love how some areas (the rooms in with the teleporters) is like a do or dont room. What i mean is, if you're in a situation where it's you against 2 others, you're either going to chose OPTION A) Lob some grenades and blast a few rounds at them or OPTION B) Lob a grenade and hope backup arrives. And the things that cross your mind are, run, fight or camp. It's really spectacular when i shut my mind down about that solo thing and focus on the other aspects. All in all its a wonderful map, BUT i feel the middle bridge and the top is overpowered. I mean me and 3 guys couldn't kill one guy with a damage boost up there. But nice job!
  4. NUKE391 NUKE391
    Love it. <3 It looks great!


  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I like this map
    PA1NTS likes this.
  2. Alpine Drift v

    Alpine Drift v Promethean

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    Some areas look at bit bland, i.e the 2nd last picture. Overall, I'm liking the aesthtics and the layout is pretty solid. Nice!
  3. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map really does have an awesome layout. And while I don't think it's so suitable for a 1v1 (Line of sight is too enclosed to each room, you'd spend ages locating one another), I think this would have made Reach's Doubles playlist 100x better.

    I haven't played the map yet due to it being incomplete, but I really am eager to play this one. So Paints, invite me whenever you can. (and FR me if you aren't on my list!!)

    After watching the video (and this is something I thought while in Forge, but gameplay confirms) the Sniper platform shouldn't span the whole distance. It needs to be a jump. It's too quick and easy to cut out the whole back part of the Sniper room.
    #3 Stevo, Oct 7, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2012
  4. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your best design so far. I'll need to at least walk on it before criticism, but it does feel like an old school room-based map.
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    This is your sketch? It looks.. different. Didn't see those circles, either. I'm assuming you scrapped those?

    It looks like you went for a simple feel, but in a couple pics it came off as a bit repetitive.

    Anyway, I'd like to get on this sometime with you. Invite me sometime on live?
  6. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Um, Ok. I'll work on it.

    I sent you a FR.

    What do you mean by cut out the back part of it? Like how the sniper platform was before? Not all the way across?

    Thanks xzamples, I appreciate it. You'll be able to play it soon enough.

    The silos proved to be terrible, especially in a 1v1 map. That area of the map was completely changed. With help from Stevo and Frenchys especially. Here's a comparison of the layouts as they change.




    #6 PA1NTS, Oct 8, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2012
  7. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    OH. It's rotated ninety degrees..

  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah. Take the Ramp shallow out and the additional 1x1 Tall and Thin. You should be able to make the jump across from the higher side onto the Sniper Platform so the weapon is still accessible. But, if you want to go down round the high road into the attach room, you're going to have to jump the distance or put more effort into it. As it stands, it's just a shorter route everyone will take and there's no motivation to go round the actual pathway...
    You could of course keep it the same and move the Sniper Rifle to the actual pathway to force players to go round it when the weapon spawns.
  9. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    When i joined the game there was you , Basket and Stevo ..... Than i started flying around in each single room , looking to the aestetics , all the litle tunnel , path , ramp and of course where the power weapon were located .... if i remember there was a Grenade launcher at Green and a sniper at Orange/Gold ? I was really imprest about the quality of that map , I think that is the first good layout from Mr. PAINTS here. Than Basket had the idea to Wrap around the whole Orange/Gold room with a pathway , than Stevo had a staircase going down to red tunnel (Finally we can call that tunnel Orange/Gold secondary Room). Than i was helping around with some astetics and fixing some little details and help a bit for the NEW Orange/Gold room . In conclussion , i think that each of us help to Make Scythe one of the Best PAINTS map . I'm saying you good luck with that map ! :)

    Also please notice that my english is bad !!!!! Thank you Folks .
  10. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Paints, I still haven't managed to play with you on this :(
    Have you made any more changes to the map or layout?

    I'm under the impression (just by looking through pictures) that the green room isn't particularly used very much?
  11. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    (Update: 10/21/12)

    -Blue catwalk extends and connects to blue elbow. This makes for more interesting encounters in blue room.

    -Back green ramp extends to the far right corner. It gives green room a little more depth.

    -Pillars in green room removed. Replaced with a ramp and window to red room that blocks some of the LOS.

    -Added a connection between bottom green and blue elbow. Before that, there was just a wall there. It adds a much needed hard route.

    -Shortcut bridge removed from top orange. You can jump to the tele side from the high side, but not vice versa. Makes players go around and use the whole room.

    -Teleporters are now two-ways. I saw no reason for the teleporter to only be to green room.

    -Frenchys has helped me make some aesthetic changes to some of the walls in blue room and red room.

    -Added a ledge at the end of top red bridge. Provides a perfect LOS of the sniper spawn.

    -Changes to the flooring of Stevo's bottom mid hallway.

    -Added a small bridge and window in the secondary orange room. It provides a long range LOS to green but is obstructed by red bridge.

    -Power weapons are placed on struts at bottom orange and bottom green. They also double as tac jumps to the second level.

    -Added a hallway from bottom orange to bottom blue. Both of those areas needed more traffic.

    -Grenades have a longer respawn time. There is also a new weapon layout. Added two plasma repeaters.

    Also, here's the most recent paint sketch.


    I'm still thinking about changing some things. So this might not be the final build. I think I'm getting closer to being able to release it though. Stevo we really need to get that game in. That goes for anyone else that wants to help test it too.
    #11 PA1NTS, Oct 21, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2012
    Dobam likes this.
  12. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Get on with me. Tomorrow or the day after, maybe?
  13. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    None of us will be able to get on the day after tomorrow.

    I couldn't help myself. Also, the map looks good, but aesthetically boring in places. Cannot say much more for having not set foot upon it.
  14. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I feel like in some of the more open rooms there should be like a pillar or something shooting up from the ground to block maybe a little bit of the LoS but i would not know exactly what works because, well, i haven't played on it but i would love to give a DL when its up.
  15. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    That game was great. Apart from one or two minor things, I saw nothing wrong :)

    I felt like Gold room needed more traffic. Perhaps decrease the spawn time on the sniper? The bottom mid hallway felt a bit busy and the angles were a bit too sharp for my liking, but those are just personal preferences.

    Looking forward to playing on this again :p

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