
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Box Knows
    Brown Rusty themed map with two "cranes" on each side
    "Cranes" because they dont really look like cranes
    Map plays kind of slow due to a lot of cover bottom mid but if executed properly teamwork and timing is key to getting kills and controlling the map
    I used the sky to determine which side is red and blue
    Small crane side has a lift however less cover on the lower deck and on the crane is a shotgun that suits the area due to it being close quarters. There are two jump ups on the lower deck to top mid
    Big crane side has a lot more going on. More LOS when on the crane towards blue and red main plats top mid. There are a few cool jumps and you are pretty exposed on the crane that holds a bruteshoot as well. It can be beneficial though. There is no lift on this side
    Each main platfrom contains two short beams (1x2) that you have access to from top mid only and you are very exposed
    2 snipers
    6 frag grenades
    4 plasmas
    8 BRS
    My first forge map pretty much you could say so take it EZ please
    Add Box Knows
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  1. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Looks pretty amazing for being your first forge map. I'll take a look at it in game and see if I have any feedback.
  2. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
    Senior Member

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    The pictures arent that great i didnt include some angles from top mid and angles from where the snipers are but what i meant by first forge map is i rarely complete any maps i make but i start a lot
  3. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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