Made for the Forge Hub 1v1 challange, this is an arena where outsmarting your enemies and knowing the skill jumps wil enshure you victory! right off the bat both teams are spawnd right in front of one another, with that rocket in between them! but dont worry about getting spawn killed. If you dont want that rocket, you can simply go left or right behind cover. this brings an instant clash and struglle over the possesion of the rocket. now due to the stations malfuntioning alarm system, whenever a player may grab the power weapon, a signal will go off and warm everyone, about what you have and where you have it! but learn the map well and know your skill jumps, and you will prevail! The map will be constantly changing with minor tweeks and astetics all the way to the dead line, for example i have just recently added banshees and explosions flying above the map to ad some atmosphere! So dont forget to enable flying vehicles, in order to let the astetics to work. As for the active camo, it is not an equiptable powerup, and its up to your knolegde of the map to learn how to obtain it!
Rocket (120)
2 plasma pistol (180)
4 carbines (30)
2 ARs (30)
6 grenades (15)
4 plasma grenades (15)
2 speed boots (140)
2 trait zones (poor camo/.4 radius/incampable location)
As of now, the map spawning only supports 1v1-2v2 gameplay. any more players should be an ffa match.