1. Multiplayer Update

    ry ryno ryry
    Previously, this map was catered more to solo runs or small groups. With all the attention that the map has been getting, I have gotten a chance to run it with larger lobbies of people that are new to the map. In doing so, I've notices several changes that had to be made and below is the full changelog:

    Initial Jump:
    • Added an Invisible Blocker to made sure every player makes it onto the course
    Landing Halfpipe/Checkerboard:
    • Moved the "Pressure Plate" to trigger the boulder later to reduce the occurrences of the boulder passing the players
    • Changed the timed kill zone to make it slightly easier to succeed.
    • Reduced the "speed" of the killballs to allow for more players to survive, granted they don't make too many mistakes.
    • Delayed the second boulder drop to be more in line with the new killball speed
    Pipes/Blue Beam:
    • Added an additional Invisible Blocker to make it even harder to miss the landing after the first launch

    I hope that these changes makes the map more enjoyable for you and for all the large lobbies. Thank you all for playing!

    Happy Running!
    -ry ryno ryry
    Buddy Jumps likes this.
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