Rift Ball

4v4 Grifball

Map Description

  1. Hitbox Unknown
    Brought to you by Forge Factory!

    After the recent explosion in this new Grif Ball variant, Leftbridge Industrial invested in creating the first Rift ball arena. The outcome was a massive success.

    Objective is to throw the ball into the enemy goal. But be aware, the gravity volumes will allow you to throw it alot farther than you may be used to :)

    Gametype: Rift Ball

    Don't forget to add me: FlamminGrunt
    CT X8, WAR and D4rkDeath like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. CT X8 CT X8
    Rift ball is a competitive manic fiasco that takes the grifball game type and flips it completely on its head. Now when I say this, I’m refereeing to the lack of gravity that’s present, floating objects and uniquely designed goals. Unlike grifball, players must pass and throw the ball into a constantly opening and closing window towards the opposing side to score a point. Combine this with gravity hammers, swords, low gravity and thrusters it provides some unique results that add a challenge. It’s great to see forgers pushing the boundaries with things like this within theirs maps and flammingrunt has managed to take something that has been iconic in halo for years and add a new spice of life to it which is fantastic.
    The game mode forces players to keep on their toes and concentrate on all their surroundings rather than simply in front and behind thanks to the floating crates in the sky. I’d love to see more maps based around this game type, in fact I could see this as a potential game in its own like that of rocket league. However at the same time no map is without its flaws and although it’s a lot of fun I’d love to see a variation of this due to the fact the design for the core rift ball map by falmmin grunt is vary plain even with all the lights. Yet all in all it’s a great map, with fun, competitive and enjoyable gameplay that I would recommend. If you’re a fan of grifball then I do recommend this especially for you.
  2. D4rkDeath D4rkDeath
    This plays so well! Interesting gravity fun of grif ball, with a bit of a basketball addition! I'd play this over grif ball every time!


  1. SheapCreaper

    SheapCreaper Legendary

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    Oh, this looks awesome! Nice work with the rift opening!
    Hitbox Unknown likes this.
  2. Hitbox Unknown

    Hitbox Unknown Legendary
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    FlamminGrunt updated Rift Ball with a new update entry:

    Rift Ball

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. xXBarthXx

    xXBarthXx Legendary
    Senior Member

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    A nice spin on Grifball. I love it :)
    Hitbox Unknown likes this.
  4. CT X8

    CT X8 Legendary

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    flaming grunt, enjoyed the gameplay element and unique styling of this grifball like variant. Rift ball is an awesome concept. I'd love to see this expanded upon perhaps with more maps compatible. Its crazy and fun and I'm currently review it as I write! If you'd be interested I'd love to develop more maps for this gametype, if you are hook me up on xbox!
    Hitbox Unknown likes this.
  5. Hitbox Unknown

    Hitbox Unknown Legendary
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    Awesome! it great to here you enjoyed it :) and Yeah i have been debating weather to create more maps for this gametype or not. I've had some ideas on a completely vertical version of this gametype where it is shaped like a tall cylinder, nothing for shure, but ideas are def flowing. when it comes to forging with me, just send me a few messages and ill try and fit u in. i'm constantly working on new projects and playin' customs, but if you get in my party ill most defiantly forge with ya eventually :)

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