
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Kingmunkey
    I introduce to you Rendezvous.

    Rendezvous is based in a small city left in the wake of a covenant attack. It has a Red vs Blue aspect built into it. With blue team controlling the hotel, red team controlling the cinema. There is also a shooting range(armory), and a garage.

    Only supported game type is Slayer. Strongholds may come at a later date.

    This map was specifically made for the 2v2 contest. My original inspiration for this map came from the ODST Firefight map Rally Point.

    This is my first finished map that I have created with Forge. Having played around only with forge in MCC. So please if anyone has any input please let me know.

    gamertag: MunkeysGotUr6

Recent Reviews

  1. Max Extra Max Extra
    The last Forged Friday played this map with both 8 on 8 and 2 on 2, and for the most part I believe people enjoyed the map. I like the simple layout with paths around a center structure. One thing we noticed with the 2v2 though is that the Trees in the middle of the map seem to cause some major FPS drop. Maybe trees can be subbed out for another object. Also we seemed to primarily play with just the pistol and AR, the shotgun was the next most used weapon and thats because its ammo capacity was massive. I would suggest removing the extra clips from it. The BR's where hard to find because they are out of the direct lanes of travel and they are a black weapon on a black surface. The weapon outline doesnt show up soon enough to identify where they are easily.

    Over all i enjoyed and had fun on the map, it led to the style of game play where you hold one base position and tried to fend off the other players. and once we figured this routine out it led to some interesting engagements. I would suggest going back over the video of the play through and coming to your own conclusions about how the map was played. Great work and keep it up I would love to see more of you maps in a Forged Friday Lobby!


  1. Merder Smerf

    Merder Smerf UCC:Forge

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    I played 2v2's on your map friday with max. I agree with everything he said. I happen to build 2v2's to be fast with a lot of action but I also really enjoy the attack/defend style where you fight to come up in score and then hold down an area and defend against the opposing team. Thats how your map played and it was a lot of fun. I sort of think it might be good to have one more sneaky point of entry for the room we did most of the fighting in. Once we got used to the paths into the room it was pretty easy to defend stairs with shot gun and the long hall with pistols. I might also make it a little harder for the team holding that room to see the enemy coming from their spawn across that map as its really easy to set up for that battle.
    I also think the br's need to be easier to pick up, I never even saw one.
    You might think about having some more incentive to be in mid. You will see in gameplay once we got started I think we only ended up there for two engagements.
    One final note there are some little rooms that are super tight on the bottom and its very easy to get stuck under the stairs and end up helpless. I would open those areas up.

    I have to be honest even tho that sounds like a lot of critique I think you have the makings of a really sick 2v2 here man. Make some changes. I think that something like odd ball would be SICK on this map.
  2. Kingmunkey

    Kingmunkey Legendary

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    Thanks for the input. I did see where you guys played my map. Once with full party and the other 2v2. I agree with the input you guys gave.

    Oddball would be pretty awesome on it as well. Thanks so much for the Inut. I got some ideas to fix most of those issues and hopefully will make the map play better.
    Merder Smerf likes this.

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