Hi Guys!
Thanks for the support on the map I didn't expect it to explode and get popular like this O.O So naturally there are some things that need fixed, some I was aware of others I had no idea. Thanks to the guys at RUL for streaming/finding bugs on the map, full fix/update list below
- Stronghold in Blue Basement can no longer be captured while standing on second floor Rockets Spawn
- All Power Weapons and most normal weapons have been disabled/replaced
-BR now placed at Sniper and Shotgun Spawns
- Neutral Flag moved to a location that should be more balanced for Breakout
-Jump from Single Lift to top of Overshield ramp has been added
-Jump from Overshield side beam "Flower Pot" to wall has been added
-Slight adjustments to Intro Cameras
Next Update:
-Tweak speed of Lifts
-Try to optimize maps
-Place Named Locations
-Optimize Intros per gametype
-Fix things found by the community!
Thanks to the guys at RUL for streaming and finding bugs, and thanks to Greenskull for helping restore the H2 Jumps!
P.S. I'll try to add photos of the updates when I get home.