1. Remembrance 1.5 is here!

    Hello Everyone!

    It's taken several hours and lots of tweaking and optimizing but version 1.5 is finally here!


    - Strongholds now has separate intros.
    - Breakout now has separate intros.

    - Halo 5 BR replaced with Halo 2 BR
    - Sniper extra ammo lowered from 2 to 1 (12 bullets to 8)
    -Power Weapons removed from Breakout

    - Crates in center of map removed
    - Explosive barrels in center of map removed

    Grav Lifts:
    - Grates placed over Covenant Grav Lifts to help them appear more natural

    - Top Mid Stronghold at Sniper moved to platform at top of Overshield

    - Flag moved to top of overshield ramp
    - Shotgun replaced Rockets
    - Halo 5 BR replaces Sniper
    - Second Halo 5 BR replaces original Shotgun spawn

    Neutral Flag:
    - Flag moved to top of overshield ramp

    - The lift has been optimized but is still a W.I.P

    - Jumps from Halo 2 added in (tweaked for Halo 5)
    - See new trailer for jumps as I'm not sure how to explain them

    - Name zones have now been placed across the entire map (Any feedback on callouts is welcome I simply went with what I felt was best)

    - Areas of the map have been simplified to cut down on piece count, nothing should be immediately apparent as most were replaced with larger pieces that made more sense

    - Adorable Piggy moved to new location ;)

    Known Issues:

    - Lighting is currently being a bit odd since the last Forge update and I am currently looking into it

    - Lift is still not perfect (Timing needs worked on and it will occasionally stutter)

    - Capture the Flag intros can probably be better I'm still working out what to do with them!

    Update Credits:

    -Assistance adding back classic jumps: Greenskull

    -Assistance optimizing the map: Wyverzu and XxBarthXx

    -Assistance with callouts: Ocular Stratus

    Hopefully I didn't forget anyone :)

    Any feedback on the updates is welcome either message me here, comment on the map, or message me on Xbox Live

    GT: AnonFriction
    cleej112, WyvernZu and WAR like this.
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