
4v4 Breakout

Map Description

  1. Dead Cassette

    This is a symmetrical breakout map made on the outside of empire. my inspiration for this map came from where i live, New York City. tall structures and odd geometry make up what you see here but there is a clash, an ongoing struggle between different opinions and ways of life. from the weapons to the colors it symbolizes the variety i live in.

    2 DMR. (standard) on disturbance. 30 second re spawn. 1 spare clip

    2 SMG. (recon) on disturbance. 30 second re spawn. 1 spare clip

    Halo 2 BR. on disturbance. 30 second re spawn. 1 spare clip

    Scatter Shot. on death/deletion. 60 second re spawn. o spare clips

    Plasma Caster. on death/deletion. 60 second re spawn. o spare clips

    2 Halo 2 beam rifles. on disturbance. 30 second re spawn. 0.01 spare energy

    2 Plasma Grenades. on death/deletion. 30 second re spawn

    2 Splinter grenades. on death/deletion. 30 second re spawn

    Game play

    This map uses three lanes left, middle and right. each with varying cover that makes it so you can make any play with no side being too powerful. if you go scattershot side you have tall cover covering you from plasma caster side and if you go caster side you have long cover with varying height advantage. if you go in the middle you have complex cover that protects you from both sides. both nests are good cover for when you are down a player.

    splinter nades are placed near top mid and plasma nades are placed close to plasma caster each team is given a recon SMG, a standard DMR and a Halo 2 beam rifle. the beam rifle only has one shot in it so make it count but it does re spawn in 30 seconds. take these weapons to battle over the two power weapons located on each side of the middle of the map. each team has a lift to clamber as well as cover pieces to advance. Halo 2 BR located bottom mid

    last but not least the flag is placed high up on a platform which a crane is carrying. in this map i used the flag as a tie breaker but if you are fast you can make a play especially through plasma caster side. there is a lift and various jump ups to the flag.

    Final thoughts
    as you can see its a battle between covenant and Promethean with UNSC right in the middle of it. kind of how NYC is. a constant clash. Call outs, kill zones and invisible barriers are placed. this is complete for breakout and also works for neutral flag. feedback would be highly appreciated.
    GT: Dead Cassette


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