1. Visual/Callout Update

    This update contains visual and some callout changes.

    - Added a callout: Red/Blue Pyramid.
    - Changed callout from Carbine One to Tower Sneaky.
    - Changed callout from Carbine Two to Green Tower.
    - Removed Covenant Carbine switched to Light Rifle.
    - Made some visual changes.
    - And I also added a Easter Egg! :)

    - In this update I tried to make the map look a bit more Forerunner looking and alive, I could make the map look more Forerunner...
  2. New image to compare the new and the old version.

    Here is a better image to compare the original and the remastered map. Excavation VS Quarry V2.png
    Excavation VS Quarry.png
  3. Update images.

    Here is the callouts I was talking about in the last update. V1R.png
    The first version. V2R.png
    New version.
  4. Gametype/Visual changes. And added things.

    -Removed the Railgun switched to Grenade Launcher.
    -Removed the Razor's Edge switched to Song of Peace. (Suppressor)
    -Removed the Camo.
    -CTF only. Moved the Sniper Rifle from Carbine One to Cave.
    -CTF only. Added a Grenade Launcher on Carbine One.

    -Visual changes to make it easier to see the jump from Red/Blue Street to Red/Blue Tower.

    -Added a callout to the jump up to Red/Blue Tower. "Red/Blue Nest"
    -Added a callout...