-Removed the Railgun switched to Grenade Launcher.
-Removed the Razor's Edge switched to Song of Peace. (Suppressor)
-Removed the Camo.
-CTF only. Moved the Sniper Rifle from Carbine One to Cave.
-CTF only. Added a Grenade Launcher on Carbine One.
-Visual changes to make it easier to see the jump from Red/Blue Street to Red/Blue Tower.
-Added a callout to the jump up to Red/Blue Tower. "Red/Blue Nest"
-Added a callout between the window/glass on Red/Blue Tower and Red/Blue Street. "Red/Blue Window" (You can stand between the glass and the frame. You can use it as a place to "hide" on)
I can't show you the visual updates right now, but I can do it later.