Q-bert Slam


Map Description

  1. Preacher001
    **This map requires the Qbert Slam Game type**

    I find the easiest way to describe this map is to try to imagine if Q-bert, Whack a Mole, and Halo became one game. You only have two weapons and they are a reduced damage hammer and stickie grenades, and there is no restocking outside of fallen stickies. The overshield is at the top of the map, with invisibility and the jet pack located on the lower level.

    The upper deck as you can see below consisits of the basic Q-bert layout with a few cubes missing and tends to be the main area that people fight. The small maze like lower level has canon men that shoot you out of the holes. The floating platforms on the sides take you back down to the lower level at different locations if you so desire. There is also a single floating lift platform on the left that sends you to the top of the map.

    This map is ment to be played in a smaller group. You can play one on one but the repetative hammering can get a bit more tedious at that pace. The best is when you get around 4+ players and start bashing the hell out of each other. It's pure mayhem. Sticky then hammer for a quick kill but remember that combo can also take out the attacker. The other popular move is to just hammer your opponent and send them flying off the map.

    Think, "HULK SMASH!!! and this map will be stupid fun.


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