2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. aPK

    To download Purple Reign, add "a Polish Korean" on Xbox Live. Then, in Halo 5 go to your roster and click on my profile. Go to "Bookmarks"


    Purple Reign is an asymmetrical Covenant-themed 2v2 map. The primary design goal was to strike a balance between having meaningful power weapon acquisitions and engagements while also having appreciable periods of Magnum interplay. The primary artistic goal was to properly emulate the Covenant aesthetic by using a proper color pallet as well as having recognizable aesthetic landmarks and details. I also had a performance goal: I wanted to keep the map from going over 100% lightmap without turning “Light Bake: Off” on any objects to ensure that the lighting and quality of shadows was top-notch. Through constant and tireless refining, I was able to do so despite hitting the object limit.


    I’ve always had a huge appreciation for asymmetrical designs carved out of symmetrical skeletons. Two maps that took this design approach which were very influential to Purple Reign are Nomad by Solo XIII and Archon by Waldo the LEMON. I recently attempted this design approach in Halo 2 Anniversary with a map of mine called Frantik, which I used as a foundation for Purple Reign’s design.

    When I first built Frantik, I built and replicated octagonal pillars until I had a 4x4 grid. From there I carved out platforms and pathways until I had a functioning design. This is exact the approach I used for Purple Reign, but I was much more liberal in my deviation from the 4x4 skeleton. As for the art direction, I chose to go with a Covenant theme after seeing Forger after Forger attempt the theme without the attention to color pallet and aesthetic detail that really sells the Covenant look. After grinding out a portion of the design accompanied with my aesthetic, I showed what I had to Solo and Seth and they were absolutely stunned and could not stop clamoring over my execution of theme and aesthetics.

    At that moment, I knew I had something special on my hands. I have the highest appreciation for Tom French and the rest of the Forge team and 343 Industries, but Halo 5’s file browser allows anyone to view my local files, which meant that I was running the risk of people seeing my work-in-progress at any time. I came up with a clever trick to make my map appear to be spawn glitched but people either figured it out quickly thereafter or already knew how it worked, and that’s when I decided to create a smurf account and began to forge in isolation.

    Fast forward a few weeks later and after three complete rebuilds of the map, the first playable version was complete. After a total of two games on the map, I knew what I had wasn’t playing to the level I wanted it to. I made major revisions to the design and played it again two or three times, and although it was marginally better in some ways, it was also marginally worse in others and I knew I had to start over once again. I struggled for about a week to find the sweet spot, but I finally hit my stride and started hammering out the new and improved design. Everything since then has gone extremely well and although I had so much more planned for the map and had to strip the map down to fit under the object limit, I am very satisfied with and very proud of the end product that I am presenting you today. I hope you all enjoy.


    Solo XIII and II Sethiroth for providing feedback throughout all of the map’s iterations.
    ILevvi, SaltyKoalaBear, and A 3 Legged Goat for providing additional feedback.
    Solo XIII, II Sethiroth II, ILevvi, A 3 Legged Goat, MultiLockOn, purely fat, Given To Fly 93, and Brotastic Bear for participating in testing.
    SecretSchnitzel for alerting me that my map was accessible.
    Xandrith for keeping my smurf account a secret even after discovering it.
    JurassicWeeMan, Orzium, Nitro and 9 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. D4rkDeath D4rkDeath
    To me, this was the best map in the doubles playlist! I really couldn't find anything that I didn't like in this map! So well done! The gameplay was so much fun, the design is excellent, and the map is just beautiful. In some of the comments it was said that others had pulled off the covenant theme before, but I must say, not as good as this. Great job man, I will continue to enjoy this map in doubles and in customs!
  2. I had an absolute blast on this map with a friend in the 2v2 doubles playlist. I'd have to say the gameplay was the best I've had yet in a 2v2 map...the routes are smooth, the drop-offs are fun, the routes make sense, and the gameplay is just so fluid, dynamic and clean. Aesthetics are also great, although I at first tried to use the teleporter piece (which is used as an aesthetic enhancer). Great job!
  3. Nitro Nitro
    Didn't realize this map was a thing until someone pointed it out me. I went into the map blindly, I wanted to receive the full aPK effect. Right off the bat, this map screams purple. But having this placed on Alpine, it's a twist to the usual space theme covenant map. Having said that, this map surprisingly plays really well for 2v2s. I want list out the things that I liked and didn't like about this map.

    - Selection of environment, Alpine to include the selection of the skybox.
    - A room based that doesn't feel so closed off.
    - The placement of weapons (couldn't remember if it was all covie, another thing I liked about it) and stronghold locations.
    - Map flow was spot on.
    - The walls that look like louvered windows, nicely done and the tall doors as well.
    - The map honestly made me feel like I was inside a covie base.
    - Curved stairwells, were a nice touch to the curvature of the rest of map.

    - The light bridges, they're different to what everyone else has been doing, but they feel out of place. The color (something you can't handle) is to strong for the rest of the color scheme.
    - The grey flooring in the sunlight vs shade kind of throws it off. Go any darker with the grey, the map is too dark. I don't know how or what you could try to fix that.
    - It was nice to grab beam rifle, but I felt like if it you used Fuel Rod Cannon instead, it would bring some of the combat even closer. The beam rifle felt like I could sit back and try to snipe on small map.
    - The area where invis spawns, I feel like either the ledge above it needs to be lowered or raised. The like I can only make that jump from the floor to the ledge 5% of the time.
    - Wish Oddball or Assault was set up.

    All in all, I have been spreading the word and showing all of my friends this map. It's great looking map and plays really well. Probably my favorite aPK map yet. Hope you submitted this map man and I hope you make it to the top with this one.


  1. ILeviathonI

    ILeviathonI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What more can I say?
  2. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You're alive?
    aPK likes this.
  3. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    @aPK when he first showed me this map


    This map pushes the Covenant theme to new heights in Halo 5. All it's missing is an infinite ammo Sword and Covenant Crates (and elites, RIP).

    I'm looking forward to playing more games on this.
    Chesus Khrist and aPK like this.
  4. Bretamaled

    Bretamaled Forerunner

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    Fantastic piece of work here.
    SoloXIII and aPK like this.
  5. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'll be honest now. I told Xandrith. That is how he found out. I was really proud that he kept it a secret. Sorry korean. I like your changes from the previous version that I had played.
    Xandrith and aPK like this.
  6. aPK

    aPK Greatest Forger Alive
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Super relevant gif post for so many reasons.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 1, 2016 ---
    No sweat man, only positive vibes.
    Xandrith and Goat like this.
  7. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Nitro, Xandrith and aPK like this.
  8. Sethiroth

    Sethiroth Sensei
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So nice to see this finish man. You did a outstanding job in the forging of this and the design has come a long way. Guys take notes this is how you do COVEY.
    thefro3po and aPK like this.
  9. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Not to be a party pooper here, while aPK's aesthetics are nice, they're hardly novel. I've seen various forgers pull off similar styles. Hell, even I had come up with similar styles on my own, which Chef and a handful of other forgers can attest to, as they were present for a good bit of my experimenting on a canvas map (still in my files btw).

    TL;DR: Don't be a duck with how you hype something up.

    That said, I do like the appearance of the map, and it being from aPK, I can confidently expect it to play reasonably well. I also aprove of ramps as wall pieces. Nice to see that aesthetic flourish come back and be executed so well (although Duck did it first lol).
    darkprince909 and Xandrith like this.
  10. aPK

    aPK Greatest Forger Alive
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  11. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  12. aPK

    aPK Greatest Forger Alive
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feature Zandril :]

    Your nades are certainly 10/10 haha.
    Zandril and Orzium like this.
  13. xMalevolution

    xMalevolution Creative Force
    Creative Force

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    Nice piece of work. Looks great.
    aPK likes this.
  14. JurassicWeeMan

    JurassicWeeMan Legendary
    Senior Member

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    ...also yes, this map needs an energy sword, and some covenant crates. =D
    aPK likes this.

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