
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Jordan9232
    Drones patrol the structure but the fight for prominence never ends. This map is a perfectly symmetrical map designed mostly for 4v4, multi team, or free-for-all combat. The map mainly focuses on action happening in the centre of the map, but has three levels of elevation. The map provides a lot of verticality and you have many different routes you can take to get to where you need to go, as well as many different ways you can deny a person from doing so. I was really surprised by how well this map actually turned out and in the end, it looks extremely pretty and really fun to play. I put a lot of neat aesthetics into it as well as some scripted "drones" that will patrol the perimeter of the map. I even pulled off a really cool breakout option for the map too if you wish to play breakout on this as well, which required a bit of scripting in order for me to get the entrance into the map that I wanted. And I even set it up for all 4 teams as well, which I haven't seen many people do.
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