Prisoner CE

2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Something CEsar
    Please read the description...

    General description:

    A mid sized map, remake of Halo CE's Prisoner. The play style is almost entirely based around its vertical layout, which is made of a ground floor, 2 main floors, and small 4th (4 1/2th) floor, which is just the two bases where snipers spawn. From a competitive point of view, Prisoner was one of the most "map control" based maps, meaning it required great skill to hold or acquire power-up/weapon control and positioning on the map.

    I designed this remake around Halo 5, so I up-scaled it properly. In this remake, the height is significantly increased between each floor due to Halo 5's spartan abilities which also makes it feel closer to Halo CE (because of differences in FOV). Along with this, I slightly stretched the map, however I kept the width fairly similar. Ladders are remade with a double gravity volume as well as aesthetically remade ladders. I do this because gravity volumes allow more control as opposed to gravity lifts and have a slower more paced vertical travel time. All "Zyos" jumps are included as well and take a decent amount of skill, however are still easier than the original. I also do want to mention I put a lot of time into getting most of the geometry as accurate as possible (thanks to Halo pc on my laptop!)

    Why Prisoner:

    Prisoner is one of the most iconic Halo maps, and one of the fewer mostly vertical based maps ever made for Halo. One of my friends requested highly of this map after making Chill Out (which is still a WIP) and Downrush.

    I saw that there were only few remakes in Halo 5 of Prisoner, all of which were only remakes of memory, remix-type maps, etc. Though the remakes of Prisoner are distinguishable (despite the quality of some), none of these remakes played true (this even includes solitary from Halo: Reach) to the masterpiece of the original Prisoner on Halo CE.

    Rockets (4) - spawn every 120 seconds (static timer)
    2x Sniper (4) - spawn every 60 seconds (static timer)
    Assault Rifle (4 clips) - spawns 30 seconds (on disturbance)
    Boltshot (3 clips) replaces PR (for obvious reasons) - spawns 30 seconds (on disturbance)

    4x Frag Grenades - spawns 15 seconds (after pick-up)
    6x Plasma Grenades - spawns 15 seconds (after pick-up)

    Overshield - spawns every 60 seconds (static timer)
    Active Camo - spawns every 60 seconds (static timer)

    Issues/differences (not important):

    Lighting - Still don't fully understand how the dynamic lighting system works in Halo 5's forge, so I'm still working on fixes for patches of light around the map and false colored objects, etc. Right now I'm not very satisfied with lighting, so that is going to be a definite change in the future.

    Scale - Though this isn't an issue and I think the scale is perfect at the moment for Halo 5, you may notice some different angles and altered line of sights. Most significantly, the line of sight from one sniper spawn to the other is slightly blocked (nothing significant).

    Geometry - Some of the wall patterns and architecture (especially the central "double pitch-fork") is not exact. This is due to the limited object selection and object budget in forge...

    Coloring - This goes along with "lighting" but the color mood is not quite as warm as the original. This is not a significant issue but personally I do feel more "imprisoned" in this version...

    Spawning - The spawn points are in the same relative positions as the original (thanks to However after a while of 1v1/2v2 testing, it was obvious that the spawns were off balance. In Halo CE you spawned closest to your teammate, if not you got a random spawn. Of course this can't exactly be replicated in Halo 5, because of a much more complicated algorithm. We noticed that the floor spawn next to "double doors" was most heavily weighted, since this put you in such a disadvantage, I decided to just delete it entirely (I did not want to do this, but for now I have no better option and don't know how spawn volumes work, if they work)

    Direction? - My friend, who is a halo 1 encyclopedia, pointed out that if you look at the AR compass, the direction is off. "North" in my remake, is actually "East" in the original, if that is the sort of thing that bothers you... Even though I didn't check, I originally had it right (accidentally), but rotated the whole map half way through the making because I wanted the "Halo Ring" skybox to line up the way it was in the origianl (even though I ended up using the "Ascendance" skybox)...

    Gamertag: "Whats a CEsar"

Recent Reviews

  1. Quad Quad
    Perfect scale for Halo 5. Worked well with both 1 pistol settings and regular settings when I played this with my friends. The geometry is almost perfectly remade to the Halo 1 version. This map has a good mood and I think the color is perfect.
  2. goldboy33 goldboy33
    good job


  1. H0LLIW00D

    H0LLIW00D Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Finally!!! Looks like the best one so far - cant wait to try this!
    thank you.
    Something CEsar likes this.
  2. Quad

    Quad Legendary

    Likes Received:
    It's about time someone made a good version of this. The lighting is really the only issue, but that's correctable. Also, perfect scale!
    Something CEsar likes this.

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