"The first..." 2v2 Salyer map, ready for Strongholds and Capture the Flag. Any feedback is welcome, I really hope you guys like it.
Spawns are a little off and with such an open line of sight I found it to easy to spawn kill. Aesthetically pleasing, but needs some work.
Nice looking map and for the most part it played okay, I feel with some tweaks and balancing it could be a very solid map :)
I would have to give this a playtest to be sure but I love how strong the theme is in this without leaving a huge negative impact on gameplay. Maybe I will find out in summer when I can start playing some of these maps
mu7ashi updated Primordius with a new update entry: UPDATE 1.1 - Aesthetic update Read the rest of this update entry... --- Double Post Merged, Jan 24, 2016 --- A semi-urbanized section of Harvest, yes.
mu7ashi updated Primordius with a new update entry: UPDATE 1.2 - Decals and lighting fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
Played some 2v2 when we were testing maps the other night, it was fun but we felt like it was just too open for a Sniper to be a power weapon, if you have someone who is good with a Sniper it's not even fair for the other team because of how open it is and how long the site lines are. We also had a few bad spawns at one point I spawned in front of someone who was sprinting and was just instantly spartan charged (possible the games fault and not yours just thought I'd mention it! I think it was down near the Shotgun)
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it! I'll try placing some respawn zones for each team, I've had that problem too. As for the Power Weapon, which one would you suggest?
Maaaybe rockets? They would work with the openness and sight lines but have a travel time so they might not seem as OP?
I was thinking the same thing, I'll place a SPNKr with two rockets instead of the Sniper Rifle. When it's done could you help me test it out?
mu7ashi updated Primordius with a new update entry: UPDATE 1.3 - Balancing gameplay Read the rest of this update entry...