Port Husky is a remake / reimagining of a classic community map we've all come to love. I used xTheArbiter117 's Halo 5 version of Meta Raid as a reference when putting this together, but have also changed up a few things to keep it fresh in addition to the new aesthetics.
The main difference is that I've swapped what areas of the map have walls and what don't. In the original Husky Raid, the pathway in the middle has walls and barriers, while the spawn rooms have no walls in the back. In Port Husky, you can fall off the middle pathways or climb up the large struts to approach the spawn room from a different angle. You can also use the backs of the spawn room to detonate rockets, etc. if you're so inclined. It's not a major change, but it leads to a few different encounters throughout the course of the game.
I've added the game type to the post, but you can also use 343's Super Fiesta CTF if you're so inclined. I made this a little while ago, and am just throwing it up here now for others to enjoy. I've been feeling rather stuck on new competitive maps as of late, and can feel myself running out of creative steam, so I might re-focus on some more causal maps and mini games like this to stay active...or maybe some prefabs.