Perk Machine Showcase

Map Description

  1. Dink
    Welcome to the Perk Machines showcase made by Dink (Darth Diink) and JoeAct20! This map features originally crafted Perk Machines from Kino der Toten and other favorite CoD Zombies maps! Mule Kick stands in the collection as well, which was created by JoeAct20! If you are interested in using any of these objects in your map, make sure to credit me in your map description! Also included are Samantha's mystery box Teddys and my Ray Gun design.
    Dezert Fuze, JoeAct20 and Dunco like this.


  1. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
    Senior Member

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    These look awesome! Do they have scripted functionality to them or just visual only? I have a large portion of Die Rise built from Black Ops 2, but never finished it. These machines would be perfect on that map if I ever get to finish it.
    xPaulxDx and Dink like this.
  2. Dink

    Dink Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! I didn't include any scripted functionality mostly because the machines don't really move at all in the CoD games. All you'd really need to do is spawn a power-up in the machine you want. Let me know if you have any other feedback!
  3. Faulk Smash

    Faulk Smash Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These look phenomenal. :yes:

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