1v1 Slayer

Map Description

  1. usefulgraph
    General Description: Pearlescence is a small 1v1 map, designed around vertical battles for control over the center pillar. The fast paced, frenzied firefights that consume the center stage and back corridor of the map, result in a frantic scramble for the battle rifles and storm rifle that line the outside ridges before players plunge back into the center column in a king of the hill-esque scenario. The splinter grenade works best for locking down the back hallways and the steps leading up to them as well as the gravity lift. Use the gravity lift to push center column along with the other various crouch jumps made available around the outer ridges and frag grenade spawns. Pearlescence works best without radar, so prepare for mind games and trickery to ensue as your opponent attempts to out climb and outplay you on the monkey gym in the center column of the map.


    - Ridges
    The two ridges opposite the back corridor are home to the frag grenade spawn and the storm rifle spawn. They can be reached via a crouch jump onto the BR bridges or a jump from center pillar. They provide momentary refuge from a stage-bound opponent and house the only power weapon on the map, the storm rifle. This can be used to outgun most melee range opponents.

    - Back Corridor/Lift Room
    The windows and lift located in back corridor provide a quick jump to center pillar but also provide an easy target for frag and splinter grenades. The corridor also gives a quick escape to any players trapped stage-bound.

    - Stage
    If you are on the bottom most floor of Pearlescence, move. Your opponent will most likely have a height advantage to you. A quick crouch jump can get you from stage to the BR bridges or storm rifle spawn, although these jumps are difficult and take time to master

    - BR Bridges
    Location of the BR spawns, accessible via a crouch jump from corridor steps. Use the battle rifles as much as possible, they'll give an edge over your opponents pistol spawn

    - Center Pillar
    The focal point of the map, use the stepping stones surrounding the pillar in the center of Pealescence as well as the corridor windows and frag spawns to quickly take control of this key objective. The DMR also spawns here so be sure to take advantage of that.

    - Splinter Grenade Ridge
    The spawn of the maps only specialist weapon, use the splinter grenade (which spawns every minute and a half after use) to lock down back corridor.

    - Corridor Steps
    Use the steps on either side of the corridor to give you a height advantage for a jump to BR spawn or back corridor.

    2x BRs
    2x frag grenades
    1x DMR
    1x splinter grenade
    1x storm rifle

    Ascetics: Pearlescence is set on a forested alien world within a forerunner in origin hollow. Birds and alien screeches can be heard in the trees above and phaetons can be seen whooshing through the trees overhead, heading off to defend the ancient relics that scatter this lush as well as mountainous world from whatever outsiders have chosen to take refuge.
    SgtSlaphead and Xandrith like this.


  1. William Worrell

    Likes Received:
    I wont rate this yet. All im gonna say is that it has potential to be a great map. Put more hours and time into it and just go all out with aesthetics and itll be like. 10/10 IGN approved lol
  2. usefulgraph

    usefulgraph Legendary

    Likes Received:
    Wow, thanks for the review! This is my first map I've posted to forge hub so it's great to get feedback. Any specific changes that you think would improve the map?
    #3 usefulgraph, Dec 24, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  3. usefulgraph

    usefulgraph Legendary

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    usefulgraph updated Pearlescence with a new update entry:

    version 0.2

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    William Worrell likes this.
  4. William Worrell

    Likes Received:
    id say add more round pieces as cover and try to make the outside have some like design or a background around your map. Possible since your map is so small.
  5. usefulgraph

    usefulgraph Legendary

    Likes Received:
    usefulgraph updated Pearlescence with a new update entry:

    Version 0.3

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. usefulgraph

    usefulgraph Legendary

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    usefulgraph updated Pearlescence with a new update entry:


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  7. Va1kyrie

    Va1kyrie Legendary

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    looks great, will be reviiewing this once i get a couple more games in.
  8. usefulgraph

    usefulgraph Legendary

    Likes Received:
    usefulgraph updated Pearlescence with a new update entry:

    Version 0.32

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. usefulgraph

    usefulgraph Legendary

    Likes Received:
    usefulgraph updated Pearlescence with a new update entry:

    Version 0.33

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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