Map details:
This map first off is highly themed after the halo 2 campaign environment seen on Delta Halo, this said I took the forerunner
Delta ruins style and made an original layout, the map is symmetric
with a few natural differences on each side, the map has a giant death pit in the middle to give players a nice hazard to challenge them if they fight, or try to traverse the middle of the map.
This map was designed to have a more bare bones core experience, so the result is there is not the typical halo 5 layout with many vertical jumps and paths, instead this map feature multiple engagement zones (with a few trick jumps), and two power points that act as hills, the center structure has a small disruptive play space to give defenders a challenge, forcing them to get to an open position exposing them to the center sight lines. I really hope you all enjoy this map, I know I did :3