
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. #TeamArbiter

    Map details:

    This map first off is highly themed after the halo 2 campaign environment seen on Delta Halo, this said I took the forerunner
    Delta ruins style and made an original layout, the map is symmetric
    with a few natural differences on each side, the map has a giant death pit in the middle to give players a nice hazard to challenge them if they fight, or try to traverse the middle of the map.

    This map was designed to have a more bare bones core experience, so the result is there is not the typical halo 5 layout with many vertical jumps and paths, instead this map feature multiple engagement zones (with a few trick jumps), and two power points that act as hills, the center structure has a small disruptive play space to give defenders a challenge, forcing them to get to an open position exposing them to the center sight lines. I really hope you all enjoy this map, I know I did :3

Recent Reviews

  1. The evolution of Kyle! You've learned from a lot of maps in the past I can surely tell Kyle, nice shiz and keep up the good work dawg. 4/5 because you can always do better.
  2. Excellent. For campaign remakes from my favorite mission, I do not apologize for rating 5/5. Thank you for recreating this memorable playing area!


  1. Pedaeus

    Pedaeus Legendary
    Senior Member

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    When I first saw this map I instantly thought Halo 2 mission Delta Halo. Same lighting and texture.
  2. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It looks really nice aesthetically. I think, by looking at the pictures, you could add some covers. I'll give you some ideas :

    There, you could delete one column and create 2 or 3 blocks to create some little cover, and create a "story" for the map, as if the column you deleted fell.
    It could create a variation in the set of the place, and in the gameplay.

    Another thing : Add some trees ! It gives a really nice effect of natural environment and cool lighting/shadow effects. It could also add covers to strategical places, or maybe just a better aesthetic to the map.

    This place... Do we die if we fall in the hole ? If yes, you could create something cool : Add several columns made of rocks (natural elements) to allow Spartans to use their new abilities (sprint, climb, dash etc...). By adding these elements, you allow players to do more things on the map, by using more ways to go somewhere and therefore : you create a smoother gameplay.

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