8v8 Slayer

Map Description

  1. OhReddSenpai
    GT: RazorSharp03

    Pale Monuement is a symmetrical map that has both open space for vehicles and infantry, but also interior space on each side of the map. The center area is defined by a giant and tall platform that serves as a hub, where multiple man canons allow access in and out with different angles. Between the edges of the map and the middle platform, there is flat ground in a donut shape for vehicles to traverse and transition between bases and the neutral area. The map is really open and even if the bone of the map allows crazy line of sights, I aimed for minimalistic cover.

    Some inspiration comes from Hang Em' High.

    Plays best with strongholds>slayer>ctf. 8v8>4v4 (still unsure)

    The map can undergo any major rework to make it better; I am open:)
    AnonFriction and leegeorgeton like this.


  1. OhReddSenpai

    OhReddSenpai Legendary

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    OhReddSenpai updated PALE MONUMENT with a new update entry:

    Added paths, opened some areas, weapons lighting and color.

    Read the rest of this update entry...

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