
5v5 Slayer

Map Description

  1. RAYZOR 1987
    Halo 3, dawn of a new era in Halo with the introduction to forge. For the past month I have been working on a map that was one of the last maps I had created on Halo 3 shortly before Reach came out and by that time no one bothered to check it out. So, let's give it another go!
    Overstock, once titled Depot but had to do something with that name because it was so generic, was a map that I had come up with completely founded upon the inspiration of the default layout of Foundry. Right from the start you can see similarities in which I have kept from the original while at the same time I reorganized all the crates and added more height to the walls to bring about more of an indoor setting. After I had established the layout's foundations, I then went about detailing it to the fullest by adding all the aesthetics you would find in a warehouse such as the forklifts, pallets, crates, fence walls etcetera; then moving on to the characteristics of the map in which players could utilize the loose objects as weapons for a quick kill to spare some ammo or for the last resort when there is no ammo to find. Fusion coils were in that category, and I took full advantage of the idea of having a whole section dedicated just for them, that section can be seen in the 3rd picture, within that open double box and single open box behind it lies 8 fusion coils. 8 fusion coils? That's right! Because being contained within those crates limits the blast radius so that only those who enter the double box for a short cut will take a significant risk if the fusion coils respawn after 2 minutes per detonation. The 4 within the single box are blocked off by a fence wall but can be activated if shot at which will then activate the 4 in the double box. All players will be safe around the outside unless you come within the two openings.

    As far as the weapon layout, what better way than to keep the balance which was provided in the original that way all of you will feel familiar with the layout as in where to look right from the start! The weapons are not 100% accurate in loaction, but will be found just as easily. In addition to the expansion of this beloved classic, I decided to take it another step forward by adding 4 new weapons to give all of you a more diverse selection and that is by adding
    2 SMG's: one on each side flanking the rocket launcher in the back upper level's open double box
    Covenant Carbine: located where the inner spiker on blue's side would have been, only on the center upper level now.
    Needler: located where Red's center spiker would be, this time on the upper cenrer level at jumps length from the carbine.
    Flame Thrower: spawns in 3 minutes and is located between two boxes in the far back center. Easily overlooked during game play but is fun to unleash when you do finally find it! Can easily be countered and defeated by all of the default power weapons. Also threw in a bonus regenerator to protect yourself from the heat and that can be found in between the fence walls section down center past shotgun.

    That just about sums it up, the map holds up well with CTF, KOTH, Assult, and oddball if they will fix the game goals on the forge, but I just have to wait. Other than that, hope you all enjoy this layout! Have fun!

    Gamertag: III RAYZOR III


  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Wow, someone actually took the time and forged a map for Halo 3 on the xbox one! Without phasing during the construction process, I truly commend you for your efforts.
    #1 WAR, Feb 16, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
  2. RAYZOR 1987

    RAYZOR 1987 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, Warholic! I really appreciate that! I wanted to post a video walk through on here as well in which I had uploaded to UPLOAD but could not find a way to link it to here, it doesn't help that I haven't been on here in a few years and I see that things have changed. Is there a tutorial that you could suggest that I may see so that I can get up to date and prepare better post in the future?
  3. RAYZOR 1987

    RAYZOR 1987 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, Warholic! I really appreciate that! With all the new possibilities available, I fear Halo 3 might be dead on the xbox one but I do not wish to throw it away or see it go abandoned because there is still potential waiting within this old map.
  4. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    No carpet box. 2/10.
    Kidding of course, thank you for forging on Foundry! I know how clunky it is using H3 forge now, but the multiplayer compoenents of H3 are so much better than H2A I wish there were more maps.

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