Unidentified Forerunner facilities have appeared across Delta Halo, hinting at the activation of long dormant systems.
I'll just reiterate what I posted in the developer map thread. I think the main two problems with almost every map has ever released are the sightlines and routes. Lets take Orion for example. The dmr spawn on blue side directly overlooks the railgun spawn which is one of only 3 routes out of red base. The other two routes are extremely open and easily covered by top mid, which happens to directly connect to blue and is extremely hard to access from any other position. This dreadful combination of poorly thought out routes combined with the lack of sightlines out of red make for extremely easy spawn trapping and an overall awful experience. If all of that isn't enough, damage boost spawns on a floating block only accessible to blue base. Yay ! I failed to mention the scatter grenades that spawn every 30 seconds top mid, but I shouldn't have to explain that one.
Based on feedback on map variety and rotations, Orion, in its current form, will be removed from all playlists starting tomorrow...
Though this map isn't very good, it's still better than a large portion of community made forge maps that I've played. I am actually against it being removed from the playlist, not only because it was alright to play on but removing this 1 map was like removing 20% of our maps in the game due to the lack of content we already have.... I think a better solution would be to add a vote/veto system, so that we see this map but not as much as others because of it's lack of popularity.
The maps spawning was absolutely broken. As far as I know that was the main problem people complained about, which isn't acceptable for a map in matchmaking. I go into more detail about it above. I don't think it creates a content problem, either. 4 maps were added to swat, team arena and FFA. The slayer playlist also got 3 new maps.
Simply put make red base taller. Push top red room more towards the center of the map so it is closer to rail gun. Redesign the natural side of the map to create safer spawning there because it is one of the worst places to spawn that is not a foundry forge map.