1. Dunco
    Version: 2016-03-01
    Even if this map gave me herpes I'd still call it back for a 2nd date. The perfect amount of powerups
  2. Goat
    Version: 2016-03-01
    Optic Prison is a map you either love or hate, or love to hate or hate to love. It goes outside of the box both in terms of what is expected of visuals in a Forge map and in gameplay. And while the former doesn't elevate the map into the upper echelon, the latter provides a fresh and dynamic experience to the Halo sandbox. It has the potential to redefine the way the community approaches maps, and that alone deserves praise.
  3. Box Knows
    Box Knows
    Version: 2016-03-01
    Uhm I dont think these people know how to play halo who gave you below 3 stars. Gooood job fun map
  4. Landderp
    Version: 2016-03-01
    The map "looks good". As for playing on it there have been no enjoyable experiences. You either Dominate or get Dominated. Close games don't exist. The protrusions on the walls for "decorative" only cause you to get caught and die. The weapons placed are the only good thing aside from Hydra. Dmg Boost, and speed boost do nothing for gameplay. Invis and Overshield get camped a lot. Honestly this map from the start looked like it will play well but with the odd weapon choices and the maps of power up's I don't feel like it belongs in doubles. Fiesta? Sure but not doubles. I Do however enjoy the maps layout. The variation in height and sight lines are quite nice! Looking forward to maybe a different version. (P.S this is purely opinion based take it as you will)
  5. Emberciz
    Version: 2016-03-01
    I don't like the flow of this map, honestly. There are tons of places where you can get pinned or ground pounded easily without even seeing the attacker until it's too late. The powerup weapon pads are an interesting twist, but one team can get ahold of the powerful ones very easily and take advantage of the pinning I mentioned. The map's aesthetics and lighting I like a lot, though.
  6. ThisIsNotTheNSA
    Version: 2016-03-01
    Not a fan at all of how this map plays. One team will often spend their time being pinned down in one small area of the map, and the teleporters make the map feel very swiss cheese. On the bright side, the map does have really nice aesthetics. The 4 powerup setup is interesting, but overall feels gimmicky.
    1. purely fat
      Author's Response
      You first complaint could be said about every map ever in Halo. Can you explain the tele issue because that is not what swiss cheese means. Swiss cheese has to do with messy los which this map does not have. Does they speed up the map too much for you? Of course the map feels like a gimmick there is nothing else like it. If that is a reason for disliking it that is not a very well thought out reason. Thank you for the review. My goal is to create a different way to play. If people were actually willing to give me more feedback. I could make these experiments more successful with the community. Instead of having a bunch of mid level players hate it high level players like it and bk's being split. Xandrith needs to stop giving my maps max ratings with no explanation. I know that much.
  7. Xandrith
    Version: 2016-03-01
    The 4 powerup gameplay is not only unique but extremely fun and different. Excellent map.