optic prison

2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. purely fat
    I am a masochist. Therefore dark souls is one of my favorite game franchises ever. One thing a lot of people don't realize is that dark souls shares some of the same vertical and linear features that make Halo maps so memorable. Sure you have to embrace your inner cubist to alter it in a way to make it fit. There are however a ton of features that transfer quite nicely. Anyways this map was inspired by the area around a secret bonfire in the Sunken King dlc. I loved the way the floors overlapped and how they spiraled upwards. So the design started with me just re-scaling and gutting some of the concept. Unfortunately, I ran into problems as my drop down platform did not fit very and seemed awkward. So I decide to embrace the nature of the one side and copy some concepts while still giving it an identity of its own. After play testing it kind of became an upside down version of the other side.
    Now the weapon layout. This game has arguably the worst balance and ease of use in sandbox history. This is an opinion. So the thought was what do I not hate in the sandbox? I don't hate power-ups, hydra, light rifle, carbine, caster, limited splinters, and plasma nades. Based on the way the map was a sniper would be too strong so I decided to put a power-up at each of my power-weapon spot. After testing and a little rearrangement and a re-skin the map is done. I'd like to thank all the believers in the power up concept and the support to the point of stubbornness that Xandrith, Multi, and Salty had. I appreciate all the testing as well.

Recent Reviews

  1. Dunco Dunco
    Even if this map gave me herpes I'd still call it back for a 2nd date. The perfect amount of powerups
  2. Goat Goat
    Optic Prison is a map you either love or hate, or love to hate or hate to love. It goes outside of the box both in terms of what is expected of visuals in a Forge map and in gameplay. And while the former doesn't elevate the map into the upper echelon, the latter provides a fresh and dynamic experience to the Halo sandbox. It has the potential to redefine the way the community approaches maps, and that alone deserves praise.
  3. Box Knows Box Knows
    Uhm I dont think these people know how to play halo who gave you below 3 stars. Gooood job fun map
  4. Landderp Landderp
    The map "looks good". As for playing on it there have been no enjoyable experiences. You either Dominate or get Dominated. Close games don't exist. The protrusions on the walls for "decorative" only cause you to get caught and die. The weapons placed are the only good thing aside from Hydra. Dmg Boost, and speed boost do nothing for gameplay. Invis and Overshield get camped a lot. Honestly this map from the start looked like it will play well but with the odd weapon choices and the maps of power up's I don't feel like it belongs in doubles. Fiesta? Sure but not doubles. I Do however enjoy the maps layout. The variation in height and sight lines are quite nice! Looking forward to maybe a different version. (P.S this is purely opinion based take it as you will)


  1. SaturnAscension

    SaturnAscension Legendary

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    This is excellent. I've been waiting for the day for someone to recreate Firelink Shrine, but I find myself wanting to take on the task. Message me if you would like to collaborate ideas.
    II SEGA USA II likes this.
  2. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You know I was thinking about doing a semi-terrain Dank Souls map but basing it after the catacombs. Fire Link shrine would be interesting depending on how you decide to look at the area and the areas surrounding it. The thing is deconstruction is necessary to a point where only certain elements of the dank will be noticeable. Most of the time it is just the rigidness of the design that stays true as they are different games and genres. That crushes most of your ability to stay really true to the original. That is why it is important to embrace features from other areas some times and reoccurring pathing throughout the game. Most importantly is nail the atmosphere to the best of your ability.

    I hope this helps you on your way to making a dank souls map./Wall of Texts are the devil.
    II SEGA USA II likes this.
  3. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Worthy feature!
    II SEGA USA II and MultiLockOn like this.
  4. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How dare you come into my map post and post a feature video talking about my map in a good way. How dare you.:fat::fat::fat::fat::fat:
    II SEGA USA II and WAR like this.
  5. HaloForge

    HaloForge Legendary

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    Could use a plasma rifle or two , but other then that its pretty awesome
    II SEGA USA II likes this.
  6. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Was made before it was available.
  7. HaloForge

    HaloForge Legendary

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    I know , but you should update it to use it
  8. Dead Cassette

    Dead Cassette Legendary

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    as im getting used to the map i understand why its built that way but its still bothers me. it needs more jump ups and maybe cover. i can forgive all that though if the weapons are more spare clips. the carbine is useful for one kill or two if i get 2 perfects but its unconformable dropping and picking up in a battle just because of ammo. i also got out of the map via teleportation glitch. there is an extra teleport er outside your map you might've forgotten. overall the main flow is fine it just needs more options and better placement of the power ups because one team does have an advantage off start

    II SEGA USA II Spartan III

    Likes Received:
    I played this map in a random custom, very cool layout and concept.
    purely fat likes this.
  10. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    thanks @Buddy Jumps actually re-did the map with a more up to date aesthetic and some layout changes that I didn't do with this version.
    a Chunk likes this.

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