Office Space

4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. ChoddaJay069
    Office Space is a small slayer map set in an office high-rise. If you look out the windows, you'll see a city backdrop with smokey vents. Each team starts out by a set of lockers in a hall that goes around the central room. The main room is filled with cubicals and a conference table. There are desks, filing cabinets, bookshelves, and storage crates to use in a multitude of ways. The bookshelves can be toppled, making the "battlefield" that much more chaotic. With all of the stray shots and genades being thrown, someone is sure to bust open the ceiling over the conference table, causing a grenade launcher to drop in. Yes, added chaos to the close combat chaos. You're welcome.

    Feel free to use this map with any Slayer game type, but I recommend using the game type "A Case of the Mondays" as you fight for the right to use the RED STAPLER!


  1. CertifiedChamp

    CertifiedChamp Legendary
    Senior Member

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    ah yes military supply crates, a staple of any office

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