1. Final lighting fix

    fixed my last few lighting problems
  2. Long awaited gameplay and lighting fix

    Fixed a few lighting problems, added rockets and snipers to bases, and replaced central rocket with scattershot.
  3. Making the map compatible with ctf

    After looking over the map I found a few objects outside the map that I had accidentally placed that were not visible in the map and were worthless to the map. Deleting these objects freed up object space so now i was finally able to place the flags needed for ctf.
  4. Fixing problems and enhancing the map

    Added some trees and terrain in the background, fixed a few spawning issues and lighting issues. Also I added an underwater effect in the deeper spots of the lake so when you go underwater it actually looks like you are underwater. And I made some slight texture adjustments to the forerunner structure.


    1. obligation update.png