
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. od crackeN
    NOTE: lighting was apparently affected by recent forge updates, causing some areas of the map to appear darker or brighter than intended. Will be fixed after contest.

    Asteroids floating around a defunct Halo-ring provide an ideal container for a highly radioactive controlled annihilation antimatter reactor plant.

    Set inside a hollow asteroid, Nihilation combines space station aesthetics with rocky asteroid interiors. Gameplay wise inspired by classics such as Prisoner, Chill-out and Lock-out. Expect constant action.
    The map also makes use of the new scripting functions to add some unique mechanics involving timing and map awareness.

    Primarily designed with 2v2 slayer in mind, the map does support bigger teams, and up to 8 players FFA.
    2-flag CTF and Strongholds are also supported, these haven't been playtested yet however.

    Weapons included in v. 1.0:
    - 2x SMG
    - 2x Storm Rifle
    - 2x H2 Battle Rifle
    - 2x DMR
    - 2x H1 Pistol ( without spare clips, 3 min respawn on disturbed )
    - 2x Splinter grenade
    - 1x Scattershot ( 1 spare clip, 2 min respawn on dist. )

    I've worked on and off on this project for the past month, spending long painful nights optimizing framerate issues and fighting the insanity inducing forge bugs (which forced me to abandon my first draft). So finally after all the hair pulling and psychological injury, I'm pleased to present to you my first ever original Forge creation. I hope you find it worth your time!

    The work's of course never complete, so I would welcome any and all feedback you might have.

Recent Reviews

  1. D4rkpr1nc3 D4rkpr1nc3
    This map needs more attention because it is absolutely stunning.

    I have not play tested this map, but from a visual stand point this map is amazingly forged and looks like a legit 343 map.


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