New Religion

2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Merder Smerf
    "In the furthest reaches of the galaxy a new god has called upon the faithful."

    New Religion is a symmetrical 2v2 slayer map.

    It's built with a basic rectangular layout that bows out in the middle. There are two main levels to the map though the bases and "cave" hallways are raised to be somewhere in between. There is a also a raised vantage point in the middle of the map on the "arches" section that plays the roll of "top mid."

    In thinking about an aesthetic for this map I tried to make temple constructed of well-dressed white stone. It's built into the rocky ground and much of the temple is either underground or cut through solid stone.

    The temple floats on some asteroid or other floating piece of space-dirt and seems to be built around a single dead tree-stump, notable only because it is the only organic material found on the site.

    When I started this project I was intent on keeping things as simple as possible both aesthetically and in terms of geometry and features. I wanted to keep the layout and structures simple and easy to read and just let the players take center stage.

    New Religion features a fuel rod cannon which spawns in bottom mid and an active camo power-up on the top level, opposite the fuel rod.

    Additional weapons on map are somewhat limited (2 BRs, 2 Carbines, 2 SMG's, and 1 DMR) in order to keep gameplay a bit more on the technical side, enabling players who have developed sound skills with the H5 fundamentals (pistol, AR) to put their practice to good use.

    Top mid has proven to be the most exciting feature of the map in play testing. There is a lot of advantage to holding down the area and teams are constantly trading the position. The arches can be climbed or reached via man-cannon and both options have their advantages and disadvatages.

    The strategy proven most effective (surprise, surprise) is to use good teamwork and coordinate pushes from multiple angles, targeting one opponent at a time in order to clear the area out. There are also several escape routes in the area that the challenging team can use to back out if things aren't going as planned. All in all watching skilled players fight in this area has been super fun.

    New Religion is a competitive map that inspires a very cerebral gameplay with a good combination of eerily quite moments when teams are attempting to position themselves for big pushes and lots of fast-paced action. The right combination of thoughtful maneuvering and skillful aggression will give your team the edge it needs to conquer and claim this new holy site as your own house of worship.

    The Feb update bugs did cause some headaches and a few things had to go from the original design but after all is said and done things turned out pretty well anyway.

    My apologies also for the boring, unedited walk thru but imovie was giving me all kinds of sass.

    NOTE* A quick nod to Demption for his map Shurima for giving me the idea to play with and create my own version of big domed structures. Credit also goes to Xandrith and Gold Leaf for inspiring more than a few white/off-white and gold color themes on recent maps, including of course my own.

    To download:
    GT- Seems Dangerous
    Map- New Religion
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