New Halcyon

7v7 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Anemeros

    Halcyon was once the largest city in the system, but a long forgotten crisis wiped out much of the populace. Now known as New Halcyon, it stands as a symbol of hope and survival.

    This is a Big Team Battle map designed for ranged firefights and warthog mayhem. The streets have pockets of cover and a lot of open sightlines. The spawns are symmetrical but everything in between isn't. One side has a parking garage with an alley between it and the cinema; The other side has a two story cafe that opens out into a park.

    The main intersection is blocked to prevent warthogs from getting to one side or the other too quickly; So it's a bit of an S pattern, where blue side has to cut through an alley to cross over. It's worth mentioning that any orange barricades you see represent the edge of the playable space. So don't be surprised when you run into an invisible wall whilst exploring.

    On the main street there is a manhole that leads to a dead end sewer which contains some goodies to give people incentive to risk the trip down. A ladder provides access back up to street level.

    A skywalk connects the top level of the cafe with the second level of the parking garage. There is an open section of the skywalk that allows a quick exit and entry via the fire truck parked below on the main street.

    This has not been playtested and balance may or may not be an issue. Hoping to find enough people to test it soon. Feedback is always welcome!

    Ryouji Gunblade likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Excellent map


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