

Map Description

  1. Ascend Hyperion
    "When you're this deep in trouble, you'll need more than a rifle to work your way out..."

    Nautilus is a standard infection map set in a predominantly natural sea floor environment. The map has a primary emphasis on run-and-gun play which is often not the case in infection maps. The goal is to encourage group and/or solo movement throughout the map while still allowing for temporary holdouts and group ups. Changes in height are not dramatic or forced and the infected can used their increased jump height to navigate paths not as accessible by the survivors.

    A Step In A Different Direction
    For those that know me, I don't really build standard infection maps. Raid: The Dust Palace used Infection as a base for it's Minigame elements and my my map, Whisper's Shadow is just a converted version of my puzzle map, Rust Garden.

    I wanted to really break away from the norm of infection. No, "Abandoned Station", "Infected Labs", "Destroyed City" etc etc. I wanted to create a unique and fun playspace to play infection in without overwhelming, regular themes. Nautilus will place players in a mysterious and detailed environment and it's my hopes that it will be a go to for infection fans. Depths may be a picky beast, but it was fun to Forge on all the same.

    The Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
    When building Nautilus, I wanted to take a stab at traditional infection play as well. I feel many infection maps fall prey to the holdout spot flu , where regardless of all the cool things to see in the map, players just pile into the same spot each round. I tried to apply some of my knowledge with core maps here and encourage movement and natural flow without being heavy handed in the process. Each part of the map has it's advantages and disadvantages and they interact in a puzzle piece type of way.

    There are still spots that boast as temporary holdout but I also made sure to include classic hiding spots as well as cool areas where the players can blend into their surroundings to evade enemies

    A Story To Be Told
    I like to include lore with all of my maps where I can, and Nautilus is no exception. Let's dive in!

    Wars are never cheap, and the battle against an alliance of alien races hell bent on the destruction of humanity is no exception. The UNSC had a massive bill to front in the war and an even bigger shopping list to fuel the means of war. Resources are key. The inner colony planet of Ballast was rich in raw material buried deep in it's vast underwater mountains. In 2539 the UNSC commissioned the construction of a Taft-Mega Pipeline to extract these materials in bulk accompanied by several Undersea Thermal Windmills to generate power from the powerful thermal drifts below.

    Project Nautilus was completed in a few short years and operated until 2547 when the planet came under siege by Covenant forces. The station and it's facilities were evacuated and even though the UNSC proved victorious in the end, the system was never fully activated again. It now stands as a monolith to unified human effort and technological prowess.


    Like always, I wanna hear what you think!
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Recent Reviews

  1. FRED lllll FRED lllll
    This map was amazing to play and I have no regrets, its functionality is amazing along with one of the best underwater maps I have ever seen. Great job my dude and keep up the great work! (it does feel a tiny bit small)


  1. MrDeliciousman9

    MrDeliciousman9 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    And so it begins.....
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  2. ravenking91

    ravenking91 Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Looks cool, I shall try dis
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  3. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    Eager to hear your thoughts :D
  4. TheGodofForge

    TheGodofForge Legendary

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  5. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    What's SOMA?
  6. TheGodofForge

    TheGodofForge Legendary

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    The game I thought ur map was inspired by. Clearly not lol

    #7 TheGodofForge, Jan 19, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2017
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  7. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    That's pretty cool actually. I haven't played that before but that's funny.
  8. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    Ascend Hyperion updated Nautilus with a new update entry:

    Weapon Upgrades and Detail Increase

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. TheGodofForge

    TheGodofForge Legendary

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    It's an amazing game and really worth a play. only on PS4 and PC though...
  10. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good aesthetics, but the layout's pretty bad. There's practically no defined holdouts or routes and there's way too much clutter lying around.
  11. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    "When building Nautilus, I wanted to take a stab at traditional infection play as well. I feel many infection maps fall prey to the holdout spot flu , where regardless of all the cool things to see in the map, players just pile into the same spot each round. I tried to apply some of my knowledge with core maps here and encourage movement and natural flow without being heavy handed in the process."

    Well, I guess this means to some degree I accomplished what I set out to do.

    Thanks for the feedback.

  12. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I get what you're saying and I did read your post before playing this map. Honestly, I don't know why you even refer to it as "holdout spot flu". You make it sound like it's a terrible thing. I'm aware that there are some Infection maps that focus too much on holdouts and completely discourage movement. THAT isn't much fun. But the challenge is to make an Infection map with defined holdouts but at the same time, encourage players to move somewhere else and explore.

    I see what you were trying to do with this map but it's something about the high degree of clutter everywhere that feels off to me.
  13. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    Well I think what this is coming down to is preference here. For me, cramming several players into a corner has never been fun and can really make a match stale just one or two rounds in. I think that's just natural with the mode, seeing as how people are gonna go out of their way to win the round by default. I find it more interesting for players to have to move as a group from spot to spot or have to break from the group and out-maneuver the infected.

    I've played this map with several sets of people and by the much greater majority, players enjoy the run and gun play style on the map. I haven't eliminated holdouts entirely either, cause players have showed them to me despite some of my best intentions lol. I'm also curious as to what you consider clutter, since after playing this with so many different people, you're the first to bring it up.
  14. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What I consider clutter are the **** coming out of the ground meant to be purely cover. If I remember correctly, these would be the many rocks you placed down. While clutter is a little more forgivable when it comes to Infection maps, this map in particular suffers from too much of it. Perhaps you can find a way to replace some of the rock pillars with something the survivors can use. Structural cover.

    Too much clutter is also not good for the flow of your map because it promotes too much swiss cheese movement and too much unpredictability. And maybe it's just the type of people we play with but majority of them in my lobby didn't really enjoy the map. I figured I'll give you feedback since not a lot of good Infection maps are being made nowadays and decent ones like this are good for when I host custom games.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think your map's terrible because it goes against "tradition". But I do think it's flawed because you went about the wrong way trying to make it different than everything else.
  15. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    Well regardless I appreciate the feedback. It's always good to get an expanded perspective.

    Thanks again :)
    Zandril likes this.
  16. Agent Zero85

    Agent Zero85 Legendary
    Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I love the varying fields of debri as it sets the theme you seem to be relaying.

    I like that you attempted to kill holdouts with this map. Infection never seems to be fun as infected, but this should change up the regular formula.

    Good work on the layout and aesthetic :yes:
  17. JurassicWeeMan

    JurassicWeeMan Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Looks good man, the underwater theme isn't one that is seen too often, and this definitely makes for a great infection/mysterious/spooky environment!
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.
  18. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    Thanks for the kind words :D
    JurassicWeeMan likes this.
  19. BaliTech

    BaliTech Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Bravo homie! I took a walk through it and it seems like it would have a dope flow. Let's load it up soon!
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.

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