Mountain Bay Country Line

4v4 Breakout

Map Description

  1. UGK Marc
    Drive through the open roads of Mountain Bay County, from the small town to out in the open rodas, just be careful of the cops.

    Hello I hope you enjoy this version of Halo: Hot Pursuit, here is a link of the other game modes. One list thing get in a car fast and do not get out of it.

    Hot Pursuit (HCLine) Marc#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_gamevariant_UGK Marc_2399c638-13eb-443e-9634-5526b7368e26

    Hot Pursuit (ELine) Marc#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_gamevariant_UGK Marc_5f3d1250-0ad5-409d-9d28-ce0f93bbe8a3

    Please give any feedback or constructive criticism on the game modes or the scripted vehicles.

    this is what I wanted to make Hot Pursuit originally for this map but then I scrapped the idea until I found a way to make it work. Stay tuned for more maps being uploaded. Hope you enjoy!


  1. Ascend Hyperion

    Ascend Hyperion The Homeslice
    Staff Member Forge Critic

    Likes Received:
    Hey man! You should post more pictures of the map! It looks like it's actually pretty large.
    UGK Marc likes this.
  2. UGK Marc

    UGK Marc Heroic

    Likes Received:
    Thank you Ascend Hyperion I will be uploading more pictures here soon.
    Ascend Hyperion likes this.

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