Mount Forge


Map Description

  1. CroblySImp
    Heyyy Yo guys CroblySimp here. And I have finally finished my infection map known as Mount Forge. I made it waaaayyy back in reach as an infection map.
    The story is that your and your team have crash landed in an abandoned military base built to look like a mountain. Your company Goodwin R&D sent you and your squad of GFN soldiers (GFN Meaning Global Fireteam Network) Accidentally crash your pelican instead of landing it.. Not pointing any fingers..*cough JIMMY!! cough* Anyway you must seek refuge inside the Mountain and salvage weapons and discover many of the mountains hidden secrets and rooms while fighting off the horde.
    Recommended 9 survivors VS 2 infected.
    Switch to red team to be a survivor. When dead you will not be able to respawn. Switch to blue team.
    Red team spawns beside the crash site and the Zombies (Blue team) spawns inside an enclosed damaged room where they will have to hold onto a button to open the door which may take a while to allow the survivors to hide (convenient).
    You can either run into the base from the front entrance or the zombie spawn has a vent that leads straight inside the base.


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