Mount Forge


Map Description

  1. CroblySImp
    Heyyy Yo guys CroblySimp here. And I have finally finished my infection map known as Mount Forge. I made it waaaayyy back in reach as an infection map.
    The story is that your and your team have crash landed in an abandoned military base built to look like a mountain. Your company Goodwin R&D sent you and your squad of GFN soldiers (GFN Meaning Global Fireteam Network) Accidentally crash your pelican instead of landing it.. Not pointing any fingers..*cough JIMMY!! cough* Anyway you must seek refuge inside the Mountain and salvage weapons and discover many of the mountains hidden secrets and rooms while fighting off the horde.
    Recommended 9 survivors VS 2 infected.
    Switch to red team to be a survivor. When dead you will not be able to respawn. Switch to blue team.
    Red team spawns beside the crash site and the Zombies (Blue team) spawns over at a cave on the other side of the canyon.

    Added new vent entrance
    Removed Banshee
    Removed hidden room because its overpowered
    Removed dead room

    Enjoy!! Heres a few pics:

    ALSO!! I nearly forgot to say this map will be used in my Machinima GFN!!
    Go check out Episode 1!!!!


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