Morning Wood

Map Description

  1. HerrMittmann
    I finally finished my first Map in Halo Infinite.

    As the name suggests, it takes place in a peaceful forest during the morning hours.

    I started forging in Halo 5 with a map named “Grizzly”. The idea was to have a somewhat thick forest, where trees are part of the gameplay. They can be used as cover, or make it quite difficult to drive a vehicle right through them. So it separates the map in infantry-friendly and vehicle-friendly areas. And in its center, it had a tower to overlook the map.

    In Halo 5, there were quite some performance issues, though. The game couldn’t handle all the details, so I had to remove a lot of trees and block some views.

    But it felt like a good start to test out what the new Forge in Halo: Infinite has to offer. For example: Now performance seems to be much better.
    (Even though I haven’t playtested it 12v12)

    Besides of some core-ideas (Tower, trees, 2 bases and a road circling the map), it’s a quite different layout compared to Halo 5. So it’s not a “1:1 Remake”.

    I’m especially excited to see how the Wraith works out on this map. Like I said, the trees will make it hard to navigate - but not impossible.

    I also added some scripting. There is a Light Bridge that can be turned on and off. This night lead to some tricky situations in CTF when someone turns off the bridge right in front of your Warthog :)
    And the “Garage” of each base has a scripted gate, that can be closed for 10 seconds. Might be helpful to steal some Powerseeds…?

    Anyways, looking forward to your feedback!


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