1. Monastery version 1.1

    Lazy Animator
    Version 1.1 is now bookmarked and ready for playtesting. Taking all feedback from last week into consideration I spent another "handfull" of hours tweaking the following.
    - Extensive amount of cover added to the indoor areas as well as some adjustments to the outer spaces to break up long sight lines.
    - Piece optimization throughout to allow for more spawns, weapons and cover.
    - Added jump ups from outer 2nd story to reach the 3rd story. Love this one, jumping onto a flagpole: awesome.
    - Added perimeter railing around second story and 3rd story garden.
    - Reworked the area directly overlooking the courtyard. What used to be a very thin ledge is now a wide walkway. Narrowed the adjoining staircase. Added short wall in front of sniper rifle.
    - Completely reworked the surrounding natural geometry, where the initial spawns are. There is now much less unused space around the perimeter of the building, with only very thin rock ledges abutting the foundation. This is to keep focus on the building itself, but also to give us a few cool opportunities when infection comes out.
    - Added a cool little collapsed bridge at the very front center of the level, with ano active came on it on it.
    - Many other little aesthetic touches, lighting and coloring adjustments.
    - Created new screen shots and short video showing where all the weapons and power ups can be found.

    Thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to provide feedback, it has helped me immensely. Maybe I'm getting close to calling this one done :)
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