1. Major overhaul

    Original Update 4/5/17
    After a minor heart-attack caused by the walls of the map being randomly deleted, I fixed everything and changed a couple things to make it work better.

    Grav-lifts: Replaced the lifts with covenant grav-lifts. No more getting stuck if you walk into the front of it. No need to jump into them anymore, simply walk in and you're good to go. Practically flush with the floor, so no unnecessary jumping required.

    Raise- er, LOWER the roof!: Once all the walls were in place, I lowered the ceiling so that you can actually grab the ledge from any angle of the map. For some strange reason, the jump height in Forge is a LITTLE higher than in Custom Game.

    Invisible Blockers: I changed the blockers a little bit, so that you now throw grenades UNDER instead of OVER them. You get a better angle with a good throw, and can now hit anyone that is trying to hide on the other side of one. Before, you would lob them over and it would bounce behind them.

    Expanded Update 4/6/17
    Overlays: After being reminded of this tool, the map now has a texture to it. Thank you again, Gunblade, for reminding me of this!

    IT'S A TRAP....AZOID!: Added these guys to the corners of the main floor on both sides.

    Let there be light!: Added 1 light to both initial spawns. They glow with the respective color of the team that spawns on that side. This should make call outs easier.

    Colors: Changed up the color of the railing running around the map so it isn't mono-chromatic. The detail part of each railing is also colored to match the team that "owns" that side.

    Turn up the Volume: Added Named Volumes to the first floor, will add them to the second floor when I can think of names to use that would be appropriate.

    Graffiti: A few extra decals have been added to a small handful of walls. Some of which mark where you should chuck those grenades when someone is on the other side of a wall -wink wink-
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