
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Shiro2003
    I've found that not a lot of people make 2v2 specific maps, so with that in mind I made Mirror.

    Mirror is made for those of you that like to play Doubles, or maybe you want to practice against a buddy in 1v1. There are 2 levels, and the height of this map was made with Halo 5's new climbing ability in mind. You can make it to the second floor from anywhere on the map. There is also a ridge running arond the entire outside of the map for stealthy approaches. But be warned, you have no cover when using it.

    One thing to keep in mind: There is always more than one way around the map. Whether it's using the man cannons, the ramps, or just climbing, you can get anywhere.

    I'm still not very good with weapon placement, so feedback on a better weapon selection, where to put them, and ideas for spawn time would be greatly appreciated.


  1. xXCAMO5324Xx

    xXCAMO5324Xx Legendary

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    Looks good. Try and recreate it on Breakout's canvas.
  2. Shiro2003

    Shiro2003 Legendary

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    I made it on this canvas so that it would have a nice scenery. I know it's a LOT of wasted space, but I like the way Glacier looks. Not a bad idea though, maybe when the new update comes out and I can save this entire structure as a pre-fab.
  3. Shiro2003

    Shiro2003 Legendary

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  4. Shiro2003

    Shiro2003 Legendary

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    Shiro2003 updated Mirror with a new update entry:

    Blockers and misc fun

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Shiro2003

    Shiro2003 Legendary

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    Shiro2003 updated Mirror with a new update entry:


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  6. Shiro2003

    Shiro2003 Legendary

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    Shiro2003 updated Mirror with a new update entry:

    Major overhaul

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
    Senior Member

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    The map aesthetic is very very bland from the provided screenshots above. Not sure if that's been updated, but the new forerunner themed pieces would fit really well on this map. It reminds me of Construct from Halo 3 so maybe reference some of that maps for aesthetics. Also the top seems to be very open from most lines of site. I would say add a few subtle height variations to the map and try to reduce it from being open columns spaces on the corners. Perhaps add a little snow drift onto the map and frost overlay on the floors to really spruce it up. Shield doors in the middle of the map are a result of a lack of creativity to block lines of site generally so try to create new cover in that area, even if it's window esque, fully open, tight columns that prevent movement but allow some lines of site or block it off with a nice aesthetic.
  8. Shiro2003

    Shiro2003 Legendary

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    This map was originally made in Halo 4 using Buildings and flipping them upside down. The windows became doors, and the shields make it so that you can't just immediately kill each other at the start of the game. To prevent people from just sitting on the other side of the shield, I added a gap between the floor and the shield, so you can chuck grenades under to push people back. Since the blockers are invisible, I used decals to mark where it is to cut down on confusion. It's actually from a result of creativity, not a lack of it. It's supposed to be a very tight map, with emphasis on cqb and not a lot of long shots. The openness also prevents people from just finding a corner and hiding in it. It's still possible, but only if you know how to move around the map crouched while the other person is running. Not an easy feat.

    There's still plenty of cover on the main floor of the map where you spawn, getting up top is more for going around behind the enemy, and not a "vantage point." I left it open so that you can use the new Clamber mechanic in Halo 5 to literally get to the top from anywhere on the map to catch your opponent off guard. The little "tunnel" on the top of the map cuts down on people using the lift and being shot by the other team using theirs. Additionally there is a ledge that runs around the entire edge of the map, for additional sneaky attacks. You can jump from this ledge and gain access to the second floor. The ledge is open, so anyone trying to camp on it is in for a rough time. With practice, you can sprint around the outside of the map quickly.

    The map being bland shouldn't really be a problem, since it doesn't affect gameplay or flow of battle. I actually chose the hilly mountains to solve this problem. Instead of looking at the walls, I want people to look out and see the beauty of the snowy peaks, the valleys, the hills, and everything else around them, but not during battle of course. I did a similar thing on my Confusion map, where there's no ceiling so you can see the galaxy above.
  9. Ryouji Gunblade

    Ryouji Gunblade Legendary

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    Extra-sharp 90˚ corners, and underwhelming aesthetic. You may want to consider adding extra detail with more piece usage and softening those corners with trapezoids, triangles, or rings. Also consider all the ways to spice this up with materials, overlays, and natural here and there. There are new colored FX that could replace the Torque holograms, for example. If you swap out those giant floor pieces, you could add extra height variation with slopes so each floor doesn't feel so flat.

    It could also make a fine extermination map, if you want it to be one.
  10. Shiro2003

    Shiro2003 Legendary

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    I did more work on it today and added variation in color to several pieces to help show which side of the map you were on. I didn't see any Natural pieces that I liked personally, although hanging icicles around the bottom is a possibility. Decals have been added to the map to help out a little, but the focus on "looks" is still on the canvas itself. I personally don't believe that making the walls and ceiling look pretty should be my primary focus. It DID look better on Halo 4 because I was using actual buildings, but I can't really find anything to 100% mimic the look to how I like.

    If you look at the spot above Sword Spawn on Blackout in Halo 3, that's the room I was trying to mimic. In Halo 4, you had that section to use as a whole piece, and I flipped it upside down to create the map you now see. I used two which created a mirror image, hence the name of this map. I don't have that piece to use in Halo 5, so instead I made it with walls. I honestly forgot about Overlays, so I'll look at that a little more to see if there's anything I like.

    I'd 100% LOVE to hear about weapon placement/replacements, spawn locations, and other stuff. I'm not very good with weapons, so recommendations based on how the map flows would be nice. PLEASE no power weapons (i.e. sword, hammer, shotgun). I AM trying to do a little more with the second floor, but I don't want to add too much and make camping spots. However, I also don't want it to be open to the point that no one uses it.
    Ryouji Gunblade likes this.
  11. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
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    The main issue with the aesthetic focus as being the environment around it is that every map made on that canvas has that same background so after seeing that scenery 100's of times in every map it loses it's appeal as the highlight of the map. Yes at a map's core value all that matters is the basic geometry, but people see a basic blocked out map and think it's just generic and move on without even downloading it. If you didn't build this map, would you look at it and say it is awe inspiring or "Oh damn that looks good I gotta check that out"? Might you look at a map like this and say "That looks like anyone could have made it in a few minutes, next" perhaps? Ryouji Gunblade mentioned the same thing as I said about the map issues, flat terrain, 90 degree corners, no real aesthetic theme to the map. It's a very simple layout almost so simple that it doesn't even require a download to understand how it would play. These aren't mean to be harsh comments, but feedback to you to improve your map building as a forger. You can always submit a map to testing lobby's like Max Extra's.

    I will download it and talk a walk through and try to get a 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 on it though.
  12. Shiro2003

    Shiro2003 Legendary

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    I know that they're not meant to be harsh comments, but I hope you can understand how, "Change the aesthetics." can get repetitive and not be as helpful as, "Replace 'x' weapon with 'g' and change the respawn timer to 'q.'" Like I said, I'm NOT good with weapon placement and would really value more input on those. Gunblade mentioning the Overlays was a huge help though. Thank you, Gunblade.

    Uploaded new screenshots with some changes I've made since my last post. Played with Frost and Overlays, got rid of a bunch of 90's using Trapezoids in the corners, added a little detail to the entrance by the spawns. Does it look better? Yes, lots better. Like I said, I had COMPLETELY forgotten about Overlays, since I haven't used forge in months. The walls, floors, and railings look better with textures, and there is more than one on the map so it's not just Covenant everywhere....not quite sure how I feel about them, but it's a work in progress.
  13. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
    Senior Member

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    Each time you edit a file, you have to turn on search visibility. I couldn't download the new version of your map. I did download the old version. It is very very small and would be ok for a 1 vs 1 warm up, but not really even 2 vs 2. I see what you mean about you wanting to focus on the landscape aesthetics, but the map is very linear and with a few terrain changes it would be good. The weapon layout is ok, but I would build a new version of the map with larger outer edge catwalks, widen the inclines, place the ramps in towards the centers of the outer platforms and add some elevation changes including obviously a theme to the map.
    #14 fame28, Apr 11, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
  14. Shiro2003

    Shiro2003 Legendary

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    Well that's dumb....it should stay searchable even after you alter it. I didn't know about that, so that's why it wasn't searchable. It really has been several months since I even touched forge. Lately I've been in a forging mood, so I'll keep that in mind when I alter things.

    I wanted to keep the edges tight, it improves how you handle your spartan since you have be careful with your movements. You can't just run around carelessly. With practice, you can run around the corners freely.

    The ramps leading up are much wider in the newer version you couldn't see. I also added some trim colors to a few doorways, to help with identifying which side of the map you are on. I tried adding panels to the outside of the map, but for some reason it messes with your ability to grab the edge of the map and climb up. So, sadly, that's a no-go. I tried several things to get it to work with no success.

    I know you said the weapon layout was ok, but do you have any suggestions for better weapons or respawn timer changes?
  15. Shiro2003

    Shiro2003 Legendary

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    Quick Update: I have made the map searchable again, feel free to check out the updates.
    fame28 likes this.

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