Hey all, I'm bringing you guys the forge map I've worked on for quite a while now.
'Millennium Falcon Vs. Tie Fighters' is a map that involves the Falcon(Lots of Health) outmaneuvering and ramming the Tie Fighters out of the combat zone.
Red Team: 1-2 Players / Objective: Destroy Tie Fighters
Blue Team: All Other Players / Objective: Destroy Falcon
The Falcon eliminates banshees by using the its banshee flip ability. With its massive size, it can launch Tie Fighters out of the map or destroy them instantly. The Falcon needed some support, so one more player can spawn as red to help out the falcon using rockets and a damage boost. BLUE team needs to work together from different angles to put team fire on the falcon in order to take it down. There are different sections of the map as well, I've included remnants of the death star explosion that you can use to your advantage if you're a tie fighters. This section includes scripted walls and blast doors.
'A New Hope'
Red Team: 2 Players
Blue Team: All Other Players
This version of the map is the more fun version hands down, however, there are some kinks that are impossible to work out. The main issue is that some players who use the turret(as seen in the trailer above), experience large amounts of lag and glitches that make it very hard to shoot Tie Fighters. However, I found that when I used it, I experienced 0 glitches, so I was able to deduce that this vehicle welding glitches are impacted by player connection. I tested it out on someone with a Walmart internet, and well, it was very glitchy. Other than that, I feel like both modes are balanced well, you can adjust the player damage accordingly based on how many players on Blue are present in the game.