
2v2 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Zeus
    Hi all!

    This is my first map designed and forged for Halo 5. I went in with the hopes of creating a 2v2 map that was dynamic, aesthetically pleasing, and asymmetrical.

    My GT is Caboose9893. I'm away from my Xbox for the holidays, but I will gladly playtest with anyone when I get back. Feel free to download it and explore on your own and give me feedback! It's still very much a work in progress and I'd love to know how to make it better. Read below to get a better sense of the map and my design choices!

    Layout Design
    The design is straightforward. The map is divided into three main sections by a channel of water that surrounds the center platform. Each section has several landings at different elevations, which serve to break up sight-lines and add more vertical gameplay to fairly horizontal map.

    2v2 maps are by nature small. With the addition of sprint and thrust in Halo 5, the maps feel even smaller. I tried to circumvent that by spacing the different sections and landings far enough from each other so that clambering becomes necessary. This slows the mobility just enough so that crossing the map requires coordination and time. There are a bevy of routes across the water and the map, and they are not difficult, but all require deliberate action to execute properly.

    (I should add that there are several jumps on the map only possible with crouch-jump clambering, for those crouch-jumping enthusiasts like myself)

    There is also a terminal in the top center landing that can raise and lower one of the large rounder pillars, which can allow another access route to the center stage. The pillar in question can be seen down in picture #4, and up in the picture #9.

    Aesthetic Design
    Its hard to get a proper sense from the pictures, but I think its a really pretty map. The map is designed in a white and gold palette, which I settled on fairly early. I am also quite pleased with how the sun hits the water, giving it a look reminiscent of molten gold. I wanted the map to feel open while still being enclosed, so I went with vaulted ceilings and a open sky middle.

    I think the lighting still needs to be tweaked a bit on the side sections of the map.

    While the map is smaller, there are a few larger sight-lines that I didn't want to be exploited by long-range power weapons. There are a handful of BRs and carbines on the map that can allow for longer distance engagements. The main power weapon is the railgun. It spawns on what I consider the "weaker" side of the map, and is deadly at midrange, allowing the team that spawns on that side to establish themselves and move to a more stable position in the center. Opposite the railgun, the shotgun spawns. This spawns on the "stronger" side, but is only effective at tight range. On this map, it plays as more of a defensive weapon and is a powerful counter to the offensive capabilities of the railgun. A speed boost spawns on a central ledge, which can turn the tide for either team pushing for map control.

    Known Issues
    The spawns and gametype-specific zones and such are as very barebones. Basic Slayer functionality is really the only thing that has been done so far.
    The lighting on this map also needs tweaking.
    I have so far not had time to playtest the weapon layout.
    stokes86 likes this.


  1. Verses Fatum

    Verses Fatum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The look of this map looks amazing, I'll definantly give it a download and walk around, do tell me this though, are there switches you can activate on the map from the pictures I see?
  2. Zeus

    Zeus Forerunner

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    Hey Verses Fatum! Thanks! Yes, if you look at the last picture, you can see the terminal towards the bottom of the picture, slightly to the right. It activates one of those 3 large pistons in the water, which appears up in that final photo, but down in some others, such as photo 4.
  3. Verses Fatum

    Verses Fatum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks awesome dude ^^ keep it up!
    Zeus likes this.
  4. Zeus

    Zeus Forerunner

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    Thanks! Feel free to share more feedback if you get a chance to wander around the map, I'd love to hear what can be better!
  5. Wally12

    Wally12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice looking! I like the paths you can use and the different nightlines. I also really like how this makes use of the water. Well done!
  6. Zeus

    Zeus Forerunner

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    Thanks Wally12! Let me know if you have any suggestions for things I can do better!

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