
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Fitzey Boy
    Call facilities - the space station's reactor is on the fritz again! Medium sized map that is best for team games [4-16 players]

    Meltdown is a multi-tiered map that is set symmetrically about a failing reactor, this map plays equally well for slayer as it does objective based gametypes.

    For slayer, there are few weapons to choose from, ensuring that key weapon spawns will be hotly contested. The multi-tiered element is designed to ensure that players are forced to move around to avoid being dominated from above...or below.

    For objective games, the quickest route to the flag spawns is past the damaged reactor (when the blast shields fail). This will adversely effect a spartan's shields though, so your teamates will need to provide adequate covering fire! Strongholds are set at various heights, to ensure that play needs to be distributed vertically.

    Beta version: please play and provide feedback. I need to tweak spawns and weapon variants to ensure the map plays as I intend. This map is not yet finished. Please post your ideas and feedback (good or bad!)
    Deevius Bone likes this.


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