

Map Description

  1. Misterchief1171
    "One single flood spore can destroy an entire species"-R'tas Vadum
    This city had been through it all- Earthquakes, Tornadoes, The covenant, Uprisings. But nothing could prepare it's inhabitants for what was to come.
    When The Prothet of Truth went through the portal to the ark, this was one of the many city's across the planet to gain a glimpse of the flood. The infection moved fast, before the government could contain it. The recent covenant attack left the city weak. The only solution to stop the flood was to glass the city before it was fully overrun. But there was something else.
    Triggering the core in the centre of the city to meltdown would destroy the city without risking areas close to it. They did so, and cleansed the flood before any further infection occurred.

    When I created Meltdown, I wanted a map that would function as an infection map and a BTB map. So I made two variations, this infection variant, and a BTB variant in the midst of the covenant attack.
    Infection 4-12 players (Recommended for the most fun!)


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