
4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. beybok
    Medallion is a small, symmetrical, 2v2/4v4 map set on the Parallax canvas. It features two bases, separated by a small canyon in the center of the map where the rocket spawns. It works well for Slayer, CTF, and snipers, and works for strongholds, but I have yet to test that gametype. Also, sorry for the weird images, theater mode was not letting me watch custom games.

    1x spnkr rocket launcher (2 minutes)
    2x DMR (30 seconds)
    2x Plasma Pistol (30 seconds)

    Gamertag: Beibok

Recent Reviews

  1. It's too small and cluttered to support 4v4 gametypes. It's so cluttered that I found another walkway under the bases completely hidden by randomly placed rocks.


  1. SimmonsZore

    SimmonsZore Promethean

    Likes Received:
    You need to fix your spawns. I started with an ffa game to check the place out and poop happened :(
    As for my team slayer game, the map was to small, cramped, and cluttered for a full 4v4 match, also your scripted door are kind off pointless. I would recommend making your map bigger and less cluttered.
  2. beybok

    beybok Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, it was not meant for FFA haha, I never tested it. It's a very team-oriented map. Also which part of the map should be larger? Because I totally agree that the middle seems a bit cluttered. I was thinking of making the canyon larger, and adding a few structures down there.

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