
1v1 Slayer

Map Description

  1. UndeadKillerQc
    This is a map based on the idea of the war games simulator glitching and not loading the map properly. Backstory: 2 spartan teams were supposed to fight in a big team battle map but as 2 of the spartans the datas went corrupted and the map didn't load properly and only a small part of the main building loaded.
    Some minor changes to this version such as: Weapon timers, silenced smg instead of Battle rifles on the map
    the first version was made for the Breakout mode made by Buddy Jumps

Recent Reviews

  1. So meta! Because large forge maps don't load in big lobbies. Love that kind of tongue-in-cheek concept.

    As for the layout, it seems like an alright starting point. The cover pieces look really repetitive and lazy. Also, not really enough movement options. Try linking the bottom floor to the upper floor in a couple more interesting places. Maybe add a third floor at each base or something


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