1. Layout edit and optimisation

    Fitzey Boy
    Edit to the underbridge area to add more playable space. Each team's 'slide' are has been completely redesigned, removing the ugly cliff object.

    Other updates:
    • Optimised lightmap, physics and part count
    • Added some additional cover to raised areas (break up sight lines)
    • Fixed crane script (still problematic. Scripts not consistently working)
  2. Moving crane and additional cover

    Fitzey Boy
    So I've updated to include some additional cover to the lower base areas - basically to break up the line of sight to the other tower spawn. I felt that it would be too easy to see the opposing starting spawn at the beginning of the game.

    Additionally, I have now added scripting to cycle the cargo crate backwards and forwards on the crane (something I intended for v1.0 but never got round to). This blocks line of site and foot access across the bridge every 30 seconds - I'm hoping this...