MadHouse 2020 is a map centered around a giant house, best suited for 2-8 players. This map supports Slayer, Oddball, and King of the Hill.
The Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Energy Sword, Active Camo, and Overshields spawn every 180 seconds; the BR's spawn every 60 seconds; the two plasma grenades spawn every 30 seconds; and the barriers & gravity lifts spawn every 10 seconds.
You'll start the game spawning across from the other team, with a barrier between you and the other team. From there, the spawns are randomly placed throughout the map once you die. Getting the power weapons and power-ups at the start is crucial. Successful teams will precisely time them, and make sure to be in position for their next respawns.
This is a high-paced, action-packed, run-and-gun kind of map. Hope you guys enjoy it!
- How To Install The Map File -
1. Download the map file via the "download map" button.
2. Search for " %appdata% " on your computer from the start menu, and click into the first result.
3. It should bring you to a folder called "Roaming"
4. Click back one level into the "AppData" folder.
5. Go into: LocalLow > MCC > Local Files > [Folder with a bunch of numbers/letters] > Halo 3 > Map.
6. Once in the "Map" folder, copy over the map file you downloaded and then re-launch the game.
Here's a short YouTube video for help (start @ 2:48):