Loading Zone

4v4 Slayer

Map Description

  1. Given To Fly


Recent Reviews

  1. DoritoGate DoritoGate
    Still the best forge map there is so far!
  2. Bankworthy Bankworthy
    I really like your map. The lighting, aesthetics and game play are fantastic. It is fair to say your description is on point and truthfully i would have left a different review had I not read it before downloading!! It just gets better with every game. Excellent!


  1. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Xandrith and Given To Fly like this.

    S0UL FLAME Legendary
    Senior Member

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    From just the screenshots, this map looks visually impressive in some places, and then pristine and straightforward in others. I can tell this map will be one of the few that must be learned through constant gameplay, which will inevitably turn off those who're not open-minded about complex geometry. But, you say you have succeeded in your mission to create a believable human environment, to which I say "Good job."

    Now let's hope it plays well.
  3. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I completely agree with you, and I'm ready to accept the flack of it.

    But idk how to take your "good job" haha
    a Chunk and WAR like this.
  4. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Like a poorly aimed handshake in a pitch black room - naked.
    Roughly translated: well intended.
  5. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    To quote the Offspring: "Given to me baby, aha, aha"

    Senior Member

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    Wow this is great. I mean the colors, the lighting, the aesthetics and details look all very nice.

    Awesome job.
    Given To Fly likes this.
  7. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I... I think I love you...

    Thank you, I spent stupid amounts of time making small details perfect that most people won't notice, but to me it means the world.

    That is the most weirdly accurate statement I can imagine.

    CANADIAN ECHO Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Can I marry this map???
    Given To Fly and MultiLockOn like this.
  9. Shadow AZ

    Shadow AZ Legendary

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    HOLY S***, WOW!
    Given To Fly and MultiLockOn like this.
  10. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Thanks guys haha I feel like I've time traveled back to 2009 when people were impressed with maps!

    • Knocked down a wall to open up green room to main hall
    • Improved stronghold positioning / setups
    CANADIAN ECHO likes this.
  11. xNFx Monsta

    xNFx Monsta Legendary

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    And that my friends is how a map is made in halo 5.
    I love the amount of detail you put into your maps! i don't think its possible to be disappointed by your projects XD
    MultiLockOn and Given To Fly like this.
  12. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    So I had a run around on this map and it was visually impressive. I liked the classic overlapping walkways and I can't believe I never thought to use that bloody vent as a floor grate. That being said I still want 343 to make some real floor grating.

    A mild negative is that I found the layout a little hard to figure out in my head. I'm sure after a while it would start to make sense but I kind of prefer maps that are easy to immediately understand and then get more interesting as you figure out the quirks. Then again, that is a personal preference. I'm not sure if you can, or want to, adjust it to include a few blatant visual ques for simple minded folk like me.

    The easy to fix irritating as hell thing that needs to be removed is the damn bumpy jumpy crap that happens on every one of your walkways. The combination of the venting and the walkway pieces create a rather large hop as you go over them. The fix is simple. pull the vent just over the latch like piece. You do not have to raise the vent, just slide it over to cover the gap. I have tested it and you can do it for every vented floor including the one that you have just enough vents for. The key with that one is to not overlap the vents the way you have and it will give you the extra unit worth of length you require. I believe this technique fixes pretty much all of them.

    Otherwise, as usual, great job.
    MultiLockOn and Given To Fly like this.
  13. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So do I have to find you on my friends list & bookmark the map to look at it? Geez what a drag! Guess I won't be looking at this now.
    Given To Fly likes this.
  14. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Just add my gamertag, wait for an add back, go to campaign leaderboard scoring, select friends scores, scroll down to the bottom, select gamertag, then select file share, and then find the map! Not too big of a deal...
  15. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You forgot the part where they have to click your FH name, click view profile, go to the information tab and look for GAMERTAG on the page so they even know what GT to add. Lest they be losing their mind over at Waypoint trying to figure out why the hell Given to Fly is not coming up with any maps.
    #16 Preacher001, Jun 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
  16. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This isn't an amazing map...

    This is an ordinary maps that's been crumpled up, torn slightly, soaked in the lagoon and kissed with coral blue number 2 semi-gloss lip stick!
    Given To Fly likes this.
  17. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    umm question . . .
    Xandrith and Given To Fly like this.
  18. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I've gotten a little bit of radical feedback from a couple people in particular. And would like to explain/ justify design choices.

    I have watched the gameplay footage, and quite honestly I do not see anything game breaking. Every encounter that led to negative feedback all resulted back towards the player's reactions or decisions, not the maps design. It is easy to watch the footage and explain that they should have done this or that. And it is very easy to miss these things while in the heat of a battle.
    Overall the map is playing how I want/intend it to.

    "Make oversheild easier to get to"

    It is intended to be a difficult to reach power up. Many current players seem to think OS needs to be in a highly contestable area in H5, but I disagree. People see examples of OS placement like on Empire, and think that should set a precedent. I personally think that leads to terrible encounters. In most cases 2 players run up to it and either
    A) punch each other until somebody dies
    B) both attempt to grab it simultaneously, and it randomizes who gets it.
    C) easily grenade-able and the player dies after picking it up, before it kicks in.

    For those reasons alone, I wanted it to be in a difficult to reach and difficult to nade area. (Excluding splinters) It is still however easily shootable, in fact, staying on those pipes is a terrible location because sight lines up there are restricted so much, while sight lines looking at the area are abundant. It is a transition area, not a power position. It requires practice to navigate, but once you learn it, you own it. Similar to the tac jump up to top middle on Fathom. It is about map knowledge and overall meta.

    "Top Lift is too powerful"

    Top lift is meant to be a counter position to the main hallway. It can be attacked from the front, right, and behind. There are no weapons or incentive to camp up top, and if you do decide to remain up there to challenge main hallway, it can be easily flushed out with according positioning or weapons. Especially when you take into account the window from sniper room. Coming through that window on to OS pipes is another counter to the top lift. ESPECIALLY if you are timing OS. From top lift, you have zero sight lines on OS or Splinter window. It can effectively be the best way to flank that position, and trap campers like rats, and if you are timing OS and plan out a flank correctly, it is almost guaranteed you will crush their set up. It was all carefully thought out during the building phase. It can be very helpful to set up one player up there, but it is in no way game breaking.

    "Too many corners"

    I do not believe there are too many corners, or that it creates bad gameplay. Those corners of discussion lead to more interesting encounters at range, or from room to room. It is the nature of room based maps. Arguing that you can crouch behind walls is a weak argument holistically considering I could HLG on virtually any map in Halo 3 specifically, it isn't even about just crouching and waiting (which is a play style, not a map exploit.) but if I really wanted to, and have before, crouch around the map, watch your movements and keep cycling around to the areas that you just checked. Endlessly juking you. Again, that is a trolly play style, not map exploitation. In some circumstances, maps can definitely have too many exploitable hiding spots, but there are none that could no be countered on Loading zone by nading or coordinating a flank.

    "Too segmented"

    It's a room based map, I have since inception opened up areas, and expanded areas for more breathing room, but ultimately I don't feel it needs to be expanded any more so than it is now. At least when it comes to scaling or sight lines. Any changes I have been suggested from the last play test lobby, would create a ripple effect that would create a problem somewhere else on the map, or change gameplay from what it is currently, and intended to be. It would become a never ending cycle of trouble shooting for personal preferences.

    "There's no call outs"

    This one really rustles my jimmies. In the old days of Halo, when it was more competitive, the players would create call outs based off of the variables placed in the map. Weapons, structures, grenades, spawns, power ups, etc. Basically, being able to call out player locations to teammates. In Halo 5, players feel the need to have all that information provided for them without studying the map. Instant knowledge without putting forth effort. If you cannot put forth the effort to study a map, you will not get the optimal experience out of it, plain and simple.

    I could call someone out on any point of the map. If you don't understand that call out, it is not a map flaw, it is a lack of map knowledge. Now some people will argue that the map does not have distinct visual cues for accelerated learning call outs, which I think only helps the overall experience. It forces people to understand the map more, it does not hurt the aesthetic theme by making one side visually red and blue like a mario kart battle track. Not only is that corny, but it theoretically hurts encounters. (Blue players blend in with blue side, and likewise for red.) The obvious example would be Monolith in Halo 4. Visually a train wreck. Loading Zone is an asym so there is not even a need for dramatic color coding.

    Call out's include top cat, mid cat, low cat, bottom lift, top lift, main hall, blue spawn, snipe 3,2,1, red porch, smg, red br, blue br, bottom mid, PC, OS, green room, sneaky, and so on.

    Like I stated before, map knowledge. We never needed to be spoon fed information from the competitive halo games, and we don't need it now. And if you don't want to spend the time to learn call outs, how can you expect to get the optimal experience out of the gameplay?

    Always take feedback for what it is, but if you can prove otherwise, more power to you and your design.
    Sikamikanico and Xandrith like this.
  19. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I disagree **walks off whistling**

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