Both teams start at Red and Blue spawn. 5 colors, 4 like (Warlord) red ,blue , green, gold, and purple like (Simplex). Tele-porters are used the same as (Warlord). Circular shaped map , jumping skills for easy and moderate halo skilled players tested in custom games. Rocks are covering bottom mid, top mid you will find the over-shield spawning every 1:20 due to short range combat. Snipers are in both red and blue towers diagonally across each other spawning every 1:30. Gravity lifts are in the main red and blue base to help you get to the higher level ,(Guardian), two gravity lifts to help you get across the map as well. You need to play it slow, almost like you having to control one side of the map like (Lockout). Please give me some criticism on this map please., I don't mind and it would help. Thank you.